Minister of Digital Economy raids border, dismantles call center gang

"Prasert", Minister of Digital Economy, raids the border, breaks up a call center gang, checks the restrictions on telephone and internet signal transmission areas, and blocks the path to online crimes. Mr. Prasert Jantarawongthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society, along with Mr. Suthikiat Virakijpanich, Advisor to the Minister, Pol. Maj. Gen. Nipol Boonkerd, Commander of the Technology Crime Suppression Division 2, and Mr. Suthira Phuengtham, Director of the Telecommunications Regulatory Office, jointly visited two border areas: the Ban Laem Permanent Border Checkpoint and the Ban Pakkat Permanent Border Checkpoint in Pong Nam Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, at the Thai-Cambodian border checkpoint. They took a helicopter to survey the surrounding area to randomly inspect signal towers of mobile phone service providers and internet service providers in the area, which may be at risk for online crime gangs or call center gangs based in the border area to illegally use internet signals to commit c rimes in Thailand. Mr. Prasert said that previously, the Technology Crime Prevention and Suppression Committee had assigned the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and the Royal Thai Police to cooperate in inspecting, adjusting the direction of the signal transmission and reducing the signal power so that users can use the internet signal only within the country, along with dismantling illegal cables and signal poles to continuously prevent and suppress technology crimes. Therefore, they went to the area to survey the progress of the operation and whether there were any obstacles. 'The NBTC has implemented measures to suspend telecommunications services in risky border areas, in accordance with the order, in Mae Sot District, Tak Province, Mae Sai District, Chiang Khong District, Chiang Saen District, Chiang Rai Province, Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province, Pong Nam Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, and Mueang District, Ranong Province. All signal providers have already im plemented the measures, as follows: AWN TUC and NT have implemented 280 out of 334, AIS stations have implemented 85 out of 93, TRUE has implemented 116 out of 122, and NT has implemented 79 out of 119 stations,' said Mr. Prasert. Mr. Prasert said that the results of the inspection using a mobile vehicle (Drive test) found that at 2 border points, namely the Ban Laem permanent border crossing and the Ban Pakkat permanent border crossing in Pong Nam Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, the signal power was reduced and the direction of the transmitter (Cell Site) was changed to be used only within Thailand. In addition, random inspections of cross-border signal connection points were conducted, but no illegal cables were found in the inspected areas. Therefore, he ordered the NBTC and local police to continuously inspect and report progress regularly. He also ordered a report on the results of operations in each area, stating the results before and after the operation. -316. Source: Thai News Agency