Minister of Foreign Affairs opens a point to sell Blue Flag products at affordable prices. Starting in Minburi District

Minister of Commerce opens a point for selling Blue Flag products at affordable prices. Starting in Minburi District Hoping to take care of people to buy products at economical prices and reduce the burden of living expenses Ready to emphasize that at the beginning of October, we will see some product prices decrease. Although not all But people will be able to buy cheaper products. and will attract Blue Flag stores to join in spending in the digital wallet project as well.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Revealed after inspecting the sale of Blue Flag products at affordable prices. at Wat Bamphen Nua/Wat Bang Peng Tai, Minburi District, Bangkok (Bangkok) that the Ministry of Commerce is currently monitoring product price reductions. After the cost of transportation has decreased from the reduction in the price of diesel fuel The cost of each product has been calculated. Even though it can't be reduced completely But will try to reduce various parts as much as possible, especially products that are in people's daily lives. Whichever one can be reduced, it will be reduced immediately. Anything that cannot be reduced will try to hold the price down. and is closely followed in order not to affect the people And if there are other conditions that can reduce the price further. I will try to reduce it. It is expected that there will be clarity in early October.

In this regard, the opening of this point of sale of Blue Flag products at affordable prices It is a project that the Ministry of Commerce is working on in parallel. from taking care of the public at large We opened 100 sales points to penetrate into communities in Bangkok and surrounding areas, with cooperation from entrepreneurs. Bring economical products Cheaper than the market, about 50-60%, sold to the people. which is in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Commerce Where the big person helps the little person Products on sale include rice, eggs, vegetable oil, pork, red meat, chicken, milk, various foods, seasoning packets, canned food, instant noodles. Consumer goods, etc., and also seasonal fruits which right now are mangosteen and longkong

As for the digital wallet policy, the Ministry of Commerce will take care of having distribution points covering the entire country. so that the public can access and use The blue flag shops will push them to join the project. To provide an alternative for the people As for small entrepreneurs who are concerned about tax collection Look, don't worry. Because it is not the government's goal. The government's goal is to stimulate the economy. The beneficiaries are everyone on every side. Both fellow citizens which if the economy is good will have a better life Spending will be better. Employment will increase. Small and medium sized entrepreneurs will also benefit from stimulating economic growth. Hopefully in the 6 months this money is used It will stimulate the overall economy for the better. Benefits to the people and job creation, etc. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency