Mobilize forces to surround Banthat mountain range, chasing after “Pang Nanode”, expected to flee towards Phatthalung.

Trang, Several officials mobilized forces to surround the Banthat mountain range in Trang Province, hunting for "Pang Nanode" after yesterday (8 Nov.) launched an operation to arrest him, leading to a shootout in the area of Ban Tra. Expected to flee towards Phatthalung Province.

It's already the 18th day that "Pang Nanode" or Mr. Chaowalit Thongduang escaped from Maharaj Hospital. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province while correctional officers took him for treatment. Throughout the past, officials have tightened the area. Until an operation was launched to arrest them until a gunfight broke out yesterday (8 Nov.) in the Ban Tra area. In the middle of the Banthat Mountain Range, Trang Province, in the end, even though Pang Nanode managed to escape, throughout the past night until this time Authorities continue to deploy and exert heavy pressure.

This morning, officials from many departments including Provincial Police Region 8, Provincial Police Region 9, Hanuman police Including the SWAT team and forest officials There are still forces scattered on the Banthat mountain range. The spot where Pang Nanode was found was found hiding yesterday (8 Nov.) until a shootout ensued. between officers and Pang Nanode while making the arrest Mr. Pang narrowly escaped the arrest of the authorities.

Throughout the night, officers set up a position on Banthat mountain range. And this morning there is still some additional reinforcement. Until now, there are no reports whether officials have seen Mr. Pang or not.

From talking with officers who went up to reinforce the Banthat mountain range. told the news team that this morning locals in the area assisted by bringing several motorcycles to lend to officials for use. to be a vehicle up the Banthat mountain range But traveling up there is difficult. During the first 5-6 kilometers, officials use a motorcycle to go up. But when we got to the point called the village cooperative. or community store You must leave your car in this area. To walk up to Ban Tra At this point we will travel another 5 kilometers, even though it looks like it's not a very far route. But officials told the Thai News Agency that it takes about four hours to walk, indicating that the route must be difficult to walk. Because it is a complex of mountains and dense trees.

Mr. Chob Rongdet, head of the Ton Ta Forest Protection Unit. Khao Banthat Wildlife Sanctuary The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation told the team that at present Ban Tra, where Pang Na Nod is hiding, is a community of about 300 households living without electricity. But there are some houses that have solar panels installed. The people currently living in this village are not the only people from Trang Province. But they are people from various areas who come to live and work in rubber plantations.

As for the spot where yesterday Pang Nanode fought with officials. When looking at the map image, it is expected that it is more likely to be the area of Village No. 9, Tamode District, Phatthalung Province than the area of Village No. 2, Palian District, Trang Province, because the Banthat mountain range is large. and is an area that covers many provinces Whether it is Trang, Phatthalung, Songkhla and Satun, most importantly, it is a dense forest. This makes the officers' work difficult. Due to not being skilled in the route

While talking with Provincial Police Region 9 officers who went up to join this morning, they said that they had been in this area for the 4th consecutive day, indicating that before the officers decided to launch an operation to arrest Pang Nanode. Yesterday, officials had targeted the area several days earlier. Until now, it is still believed that Pang Nanod is still hiding in the Banthat mountain range.

The hunt for Pang Nanode continues. At the same time, the safety of people in the community is important. Especially Ban Kuan Mai Dam School, Palian District. The school director said that at present there are children About 10 people come from the house to study. Therefore, for the safety of the children If any parents are uncomfortable, they can have their children stop studying first. Meanwhile, the school has prepared an incident response plan by intensively searching and scanning the faces of those passing in and out of the school. To protect the safety of students during this period.

Source: Thai News Agency