Money-making career: Tamarind wood cutting board generates income

Pichit, Pichit villagers process tamarind wood into cutting boards to sell for income. There are so many orders that they can't keep up because they can make them quickly. The cutting boards are of good quality. Customers buy them and use them until they forget about them, so they don't have to buy them again. In Phichit Province, Mr. Anek Phruesawan, a villager from Sak Lek Subdistrict, Sak Lek District, Phichit Province, is rushing to make a tamarind cutting board by cutting and planing the wood, smoothing the surface of the cutting board to be beautiful after cutting the tamarind wood to make cutting boards of various sizes for sale. Phi Anek said that he has been making tamarind cutting boards for a while now. The cost is low because most of the tamarind used to make cutting boards does not need to be bought because villagers have already planted them. When the tamarind trees grow large, they will come to him to help cut them down, especially during the rainy season. Those who plant them are afraid tha t they will fall on their houses and cause damage. When cut, Brother Anek will take the branches that cannot be used to make cutting boards to sell as mixed wood, earning 700 baht per ton. As for the large branches and trunks that can be processed into cutting boards, they will be cut into logs, which is not difficult to do. After cutting into logs, use a plane and a grinder or a grinding stone with a sandpaper blade to smooth the surface. The highlight of the cutting boards that they produce is that if the wooden board has a groove or crack, the crack will be filled with sawdust to make it look beautiful and attractive to use. The cutting board is made up to 10 cm. thick, which will make it long-lasting and durable. Customers who have already purchased it don't often buy it again because one cutting board can be used for so long that they forget about it. However, they will gain customers through word of mouth. The price is not expensive, starting from 50-200 baht, depending on the size of the cutting boar d. Tip: Before using the cutting board, soak it in salt water for about 30 days. This will prevent mold and breakage. Source: Thai News Agency