Money-making occupation: Making soil from fermented fish water, additional income from rice farming

Phichit, Farmers in Phichit Province make soil from fermented fish water, generating additional income from rice farming, earning an additional 5,000-6,000 baht per month. Ms. Saipin, a farmer in Noen Po Subdistrict, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province, makes potting soil as an additional income from rice farming. She mixes fermented fish water into the potting soil, mixed with EM, fruit scraps, pineapples, or bananas, and ferments for at least 6 months. The main ingredients for the soil are: 1. Pig manure, which must be pig manure left over for a year 2. Sawdust 3. Termite soil 4. Black rice husks 5. Charcoal powder. She mixes all of these ingredients together and sprinkles the fermented fish water on the soil until it is moist. She leaves it for about 24 hours before grinding it into a fine powder. It is packed in 4.5 kg bags and sold for 15 baht per bag. A middleman comes to her house to buy it, which gives her an additional income of 5,000-6,000 baht per month. The benefits of fermented fish water or fe rmented fish fertilizer are one of the most widely used organic fertilizers. It is a food source for microorganisms and a growth hormone that helps increase production and also helps to nourish the soil. When mixed with planting soil, it provides complete mineral nutrients. When used to plant trees, they will grow well. If anyone is interested, please contact the Moon Mang Mon Learning Center in Phichit Province. Source : Thai News Agency