More than 19,000 farmer households, hey! Receive another 121 million baht

Bangkok, Over 19,000 farmer households, hey! Receive money for management fees for rice planting, round 6, in every province nationwide, 121 million baht Mr. Kasap Ngernruang, Deputy Manager of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), revealed that today the BAAC has transferred assistance money to rice farmers according to the project to support management costs and develop product quality, round 6. Amount of 19,000 households, amounting to 121 million baht according to the Cabinet resolution on 14 November 2023, total budget limit 54,336 million baht at the rate of 1,000 baht per rai, maximum not exceeding 20 rai or not exceeding 20,000 baht. Targeted farmers benefit more than 4.68 million households. It has started transferring money directly into farmers' accounts for 5 rounds, including Round 1 between 28 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2023, Round 2 on 18 Dec. 2023, Round 3 on 27 Dec. 2023, 4th round on 19 Jan. 2024 and 5th round on 3 Feb. 2024 by transferring the said money. Able to assist farme rs in up to 4.64 million households The amount is 53,062 million baht. Farmers can check the results of money transfers via the BAAC Mobile application 24 hours a day. There will be a message notifying money into their accounts via the BAAC Connect service via Line: BAAC Family or via Source: Thai News Agency