“Nattapong” encourages “Paetongtarn”, points out that age is not an important factor

Nattapong" encourages "Paethongtarn" if she becomes PM, points out that the 3-year period will be a test of ability, not age. Prepare to discuss qualifications and work. From now on, discuss to amend the constitution to unlock the problem of independent organizations encroaching on the power of the parliament and government. Mr. Nattaphong Ruangpanyawut, leader of the Prachachon Party, said about today's prime ministerial vote that from the news he has heard, Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra will be proposed as a prime ministerial candidate from the coalition government and there will be a discussion about her qualifications and the country's work direction in the next 3 years, which is related to the amendment of the constitution and the Political Party Act, which will have to manage the judicial power and independent organizations to be in the right position because previously there was the dissolution of the party and the removal of the prime minister from office, which was not just Mr. Settha. As for whethe r to abstain or approve, the People's Party's resolution affirms the same point as the previous vote to approve Mr. Settha, but it is not that they approve because it is inappropriate, but rather to seek common ground and reserve differences in legislative power as the highest power of the people. As for the vision of the prime minister candidate, Mr. Nattapong said that he understood the limitations of Ms. Paethongtarn not being a member of the House of Representatives, but he believed that the coalition parties and members had already screened her thoroughly. He thought that this was a good opportunity to discuss her qualifications and future work. As the leader of the opposition party, he would discuss and ask about the government's opinion on wanting to work together to amend the constitution and the organic laws, in order to position independent organizations more appropriately. As for the issue of the coalition parties saying that they would not work with political parties that amended Section 112, he respected the government's opinion, but we also had this goal. We should find common ground to work together in an independent organization appropriately. However, there would be no explanation about the digital wallet because it was not the main agenda that had to be present today. However, from now on, in many forums such as the non-voting debate, as the opposition party, we will investigate to the fullest extent. Mr. Nattapong also gave encouragement to the prime minister candidate from the Pheu Thai Party and hoped that he would be able to perform his duty to the fullest. As for the concern that Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister, might be behind it, he could not say whether he was the real prime minister or not, but he probably thought that the coalition parties had already screened him. In addition, age was not an important factor. But what is important today is that if Ms. Paethongtarn is approved, from now on it will be an area to prove her ability. He thinks that there is a high possi bility that the new government will last for 3 years. The risk factors of the government at this time are that the judiciary and independent organizations are encroaching on the power of the legislature. In this regard, Mr. Natthaphong also mentioned the issue of the cobras in the Prachachon Party, saying that he was not worried at all because all 143 MPs had moved to the new party without any breakaways. Source: Thai News Agency