New high gold spikes to 550 baht, gold jewelry hits 39,000 baht

Bangkok: Gold opened the market and rose 550 baht in a row, gold bars sold for 38,500 baht, gold jewelry sold for 39,000 baht, making a new all-time high. Throughout this half day (at 12.00 hrs.) Gold Traders Association Announce the price of gold only once. It is the opening market price, raised by 550 baht. The gold bar price is bought at 38,400 baht per baht, sold at 38,500 baht per baht. The price of gold jewelry is bought at 37,702.92 baht per baht, sold at 39,000 baht per baht, making a new all-time high (All-Time High). after yesterday Close the market and make a new high. Gold bars sold for 37,950 baht, gold jewelry sold for 38,450 baht per baht, and the gold spot price closed at 2,232.50 US dollars. Analysis of Hua Sheng Heng Gold Futures Co., Ltd. indicates that the gold price rose to an all-time high again at 2,234 US dollars, with technical factors supporting the gold price. Although some US economic figures were better than expected, including US 4th quarter GDP and the number of weekly jobless claims. The price of gold this month March rose more than 9%, considered the best month in more than 3 years. The SPDR fund held the same amount of gold as before. Investing appointments to keep an eye on: Tonight, the United States will release the basic Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index for February. The market is expected to increase 0.3% from a 0.4% month-on-month increase. or an increase of 2.4% year-on-year.-516 Source: Thai News Agency