Oh my god, it’s real. Help mother cows give birth safely

Nonthaburi, The real monk. A pregnant cow slipped and fell. Can't stand up and push. Monks and laypeople helped with the birth and pulled the front leg of the calf out to safety. It is a clip of monks and a group of temple students. Helping to give birth to a pregnant cow who has pain in both front legs The amniotic fluid broke and he was unable to stand up. and the legs of a calf sticking out But the mother cow didn't have the strength to push. Monks and laypeople had to safely deliver the baby by pulling out the calf's front legs. along with a post stating that 'The cow that slipped and fell today gave birth and is safe. Both mother and baby are safe. The name of the monk who actually gave birth Khun Phra Chuay's temple is Phai Lueang Temple, Nonthaburi Province. Inside the temple, cows are raised for the project to redeem the lives of cattle and buffaloes. Project name: Luang Phor Singh Foundation for All Animals. At present there are cattle and buffaloes. The 38 animals that were redeemed from the slau ghterhouse were raised openly by the temple. Released into pasture in an area of ??10 rai, surrounded by a barbed wire fence. There is hay provided. and was taken care of by the Bang Yai District Livestock Track. Source: Thai News Agency