Opposition leader challenges “Chada” to open an account to support the mob.

Parliament, "Chaithawat" challenges "Chada" to open an account to support the mob, saying he wants to see the same thing. Prepare to tour the opposition to meet the people. First stage to solve PM 2.5 before closing the session Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives and Leader of the Kao Klai Party. Referring to the case of Mr. Chada Thaiset, Deputy Minister of Interior, speaking in the House of Representatives yesterday (14 February), he stated that there was an assistant MP behind the scenes supporting the youth movement, saying that he could open it immediately. I must admit that there have been many attempts to conceal that there are political parties and politicians behind the youth movement. Therefore, please open it up. and let's talk about the facts Are there any political parties that have supported budgets for youth movements in the past? 'I also want to see what political groups there are. who hopes to use the popularity of the youth movement To build po pularity for yourself By supporting the budget and confirmed that he was not worried Please open it now. There may be other parties,' the opposition leader said. Mr. Chaithawat mentioned the meeting of the coordination committee (wip) of the opposition parties today (15 February) that they will discuss when to organize opposition activities to meet the people. What are the issues? Without having to wait for the close of the council session. Because many issues are important. and can't wait The Progressive Party has a proposal that in early March. Will support organizing a forum on the PM 2.5 dust problem because the situation in Bangkok is considered serious. The northern region is starting to have problems. I probably won't be able to go to the stage in May. Because it has rained, it is confirmed that it will be a joint activity of the opposition. which has been done normally in every era As for canceling the joint meeting of Parliament tomorrow (Feb. 16), the opposition leader said he had heard the news a s well. This is because the Pheu Thai Party has withdrawn the draft Organic Act (P.R.P.) on preventing and suppressing corruption. and the draft organic law on criminal procedure for persons holding political positions was removed. The Progressive Party that proposed this draft must also be withdrawn. Source: Thai News Agency