Opposition leaders point out that Budget 67 is slippery and intangible.

Opposition leader points out that Budget 67 does not correspond to the campaign, does not have a plan, is intangible. It is a special government. to share power Placing people incorrectly Reflects on budget planning Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives Discussing the draft Budget Act for fiscal year 2024 that after listening to Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, read the principles and reasons of the draft Budget Act. It reminds me of the atmosphere of last year. which the previous Prime Minister I came to read it like this. Full of beautiful messages But when looking at the details of the draft budget, the problem still exists. is a broad plan Intangible, vignettes, drifting, no strategy. No prioritization The opposition leader said that on September 11, 2023, the Prime Minister announced his policy to Parliament. that Thailand is facing important challenges both economically, socially and politically within the country There was a con stitutional crisis. economic crisis People's stomach problems and conflict crisis in society, so in order to solve the problem Create readiness and lay the foundation for the future for all Thai people The government has a policy framework for managing and developing the country according to the framework of urgency, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, which the opposition has criticized and discussed. The government's policies are not the same as they were campaigned for. There is no clarity. There is no tangible concrete plan. The Prime Minister said that he would wait and see the plans for each ministry. They are definitely clear. 'When looking at the plans by ministry The problem was found that there were no clear indicators. The success of the policy cannot actually be measured. Not related to policy goals When looking at the contents of the plan, it was found that it was the same project that the Ministry was already working on. Old liquor in new bottles Stuffed with regular projects of the Min istry into the policy guidelines that the government will make There is quite a mix up between what the government will do and what is already a regular job that agencies do. When the Cabinet first passed a resolution ordering a review of the Act. The new 67 budget took 3 months to improve. To respond to driving policy But in the end, the appearance of this draft budget bill is no different from before. The Prime Minister said there is an urgent policy. This should be reflected in this draft law. but must be disappointed Because setting a budget to implement policies does not answer the questions As well as urgent policies to generate income from tourism,' Mr. Chaithawat said. The opposition leader said that as for reducing the burden of energy costs on the people - the budget is to compensate for debt to EGAT from the policy of reducing electricity prices. It was not planned/for Thai people to have a more democratic constitution. It is likely that there will have to be a referendum 1-2 times this year. The government has not set a budget, waiting for the Election Commission to ask for 2,000 million, but received only 1,000 million. The policy is to add 10,000 baht via digital wallet when announcing the policy. Said I wouldn't get a loan. But today it is clear that no budget has been set in the draft Budget Act 67. It must be seen that the government will propose Can the Loan Act be introduced to the House of Representatives? 'I would like to summarize the overall picture of the draft Budget Act 67 that has been proposed as a disgrace, incomplete, and without a strategy. Working without a clear agenda and goal The cover might look good. But when I went to look at the insides, it was not tied to the policy goals. Most of them are the same projects but linked to new goals. Plus, count every expense and claim it as a budget for new investment. What we like to do the most is the budget for road construction. It becomes a wonderful project that can answer every confusing strategy,' Mr. Chaithawat said. The oppositi on leader said there were 200 new projects out of a total of 2000, with most of the new projects coming from new agencies established before the new government. It is a project that government agencies have proposed. It is not really a push to drive new projects, and the revenue forecast is also overstated. About a hundred billion baht In order to increase the expenditure plan higher, at the same time, the budget for expenses that will definitely be needed is not sufficient, such as pensions, government salaries, welfare budgets, a policy to increase government salaries by 10%, compensation for EV taxes, electricity costs to compensate for EGAT debt from the policy of reducing Electricity cost, soft power budget that was advertised to be over 5000 million. 'These unbudgeted expenses, combined, should not be less than 100 billion baht. In the end, they will have to be shunted as expenses to recoup the treasury in the next year. Then everything is thrown to the central budget. With this condition Therefore, th ey do not see the government's goal agenda through the preparation of the Act. Budget. In order to achieve the policy goals, it is not always necessary to use a large budget. It can be a non-budget policy, but the allocation of the budget to move the country forward It shouldn't be this bad. For example, the government announced an urgent policy that would create legitimacy in the administration of government by restoring the rule of law. But today I'm not sure. The government is going to make the situation about the rule of law and the rule of law. Is it getting worse? Because society is being reinforced to accept a double-standard justice process. privileged style Laws and prisons are only for ordinary people who do not have power, prestige or money,' Mr. Chaithawat said. The opposition leader said that throughout these 3 days, members of the Progressive Party and all opposition parties We will discuss and explain in concrete terms why the draft bill This budget has problems. As mentioned, the overall pict ure has been summarized. But I would like to conclude by saying, Problems with the preparation of the Act This budget reflects that. This government is only a special government. There is no policy agenda to drive together. But combined special operations to share power Share to eat, share to use. 'So I saw the establishment. The Cabinet is completely wrong. Work is not divided according to the target agenda. but divided according to political quotas The minister was placed incorrectly for the job. So we see the Prime Minister who just give government orders floating around and wait for the bureaucracy to do it for them And likes to yell when things aren't done as expected. Instead of seeing the Prime Minister Proactive workplace Go in and stir up policy at the practical level. From what I once said, think big and do it. Today it has become a matter of thinking and doing. Think short, don't think long. Or think like you do. If the formation of this government really has a common agenda It would be an agenda to solve the power crisis of the elite. Because of the conditions of this government's entry into power has clearly expressed that It is a gathering together to maintain the original condition of Thai society. Gather together to resist changes in Thai society. to protect traditional social power and resist new social forces that want a better future,' Mr. Chaithawat said. The opposition leader said that before the 2006 coup, Thai society had the opportunity to see the efforts of the elected government. and is the hope of change Political leaders at that time saw that If Thailand can progress more than this It is necessary to reform the bureaucratic system. Including the policy-making process and budget system. that is outdated and ineffective There are attempts to change the budget system. Formerly mostly under the control of the bureaucracy in various ministries, there is a budget system that focuses on results according to the government's strategy. 'But after the coup, from then on The government bureauc racy and traditional elites have regained control of Thai society. We no longer see the will and effort of the elected government to seriously reform the Thai state. Because the political power that used to be a new power It used to be a force for change. Nowadays, it has returned to join the association as part of the old power. We cannot live in the same way. We as the opposition do not want to see the budget system remain the same. As the opposition, we are ready to support the administration. For the next three days, we will perform our duties as representatives with honesty and constructiveness. We ask government representatives to accept criticism. Listen to suggestions and our opinions Hopefully in the end the budget consideration will be of the greatest benefit to the people,' Mr. Chaithawat said.-312 Source: Thai News Agency