Order MRTA to look at penalties for unsafe electric trains

Government House, "Suriya" orders the MRTA to look at contracts and penalties for the Yellow-Pink Line electric train accidents affecting public safety. Still confident that the 20 baht line market will definitely make a profit. Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit Minister of Transport Gave an interview about accidents caused by trains on various electric railway lines. that it is an issue that the Ministry of Transport cannot accept because it affects people traveling along the electric train line Therefore, he consulted with Mr. Suraphong Piyachote, Deputy Minister of Transport, to order the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand. (MRTA) examines contracts and various penalties. MRTA will evaluate the performance of electric train concessionaires every year. This year will be completed in July. 'If the operating results affect safety It can be adjusted in the form of money because in the contract the Ministry of Transport has subsidized entrepreneurs for 2,500 million baht in one year. This can be adjusted b y 5% or 125 million baht, which must be strictly implemented. But what the people want is safety. Because just adjusting the money is probably not what the people want,' said the Transport Minister. Mr. Suriya brought photos of train tracks that have gaps between them. Come show to the media This is a hole where scraps of metal fall, creating insecurity for the people. Therefore, he ordered the concessionaire to close this gap and expedite the process to be completed quickly. As for the pink line in the extension that is under construction and materials have fallen. Has ordered operators to build support structures to prevent debris from falling. Confirming that he is not complacent We are concerned and want to ensure that the safety of the people must come first. When asked about the monorail system that Thailand currently uses. Because it is cheap But it is not commonly used in foreign countries. The Transport Minister said that he had to look at the conditions from the start of the project because he tho ught that the monorail system was cheaper. And as far as asking about the use of the monorail system or rails that are more expensive but more secure In the end it was decided to use the monorail. Therefore, the concessionaire must take care of safety and be attentive. Problems will be minimal and problems can be solved. Confirmed that if entrepreneurs paid attention and combined with officials from the Ministry of Kom Nam Kom to help tighten safety, it would probably be better. As for the electric train fare of 20 baht throughout the line, Mr. Suriya said that it can definitely be done. Currently, he is in the process of proposing the Common Ticket Act. When this Act comes out, various funds can be used to maintain the 20 baht electric train throughout the line. The Ministry is currently investigating the details. which is expected to be submitted to the Cabinet soon. As for the operating results of the Purple Line and Red Line Now there is a 20% increase in people using it. It turns out that even though we have decreased, it is true. But it will be found that there is more profit than when the price has not been reduced. Source: Thai News Agency