Order to coordinate with the Department of Lands Check the possession documents at Khao Yai in the ALRO area.

Bangkok, "Thammanat" Minister of Agriculture orders the Secretary-General of the ALRO to coordinate with the Department of Lands. Check the issuance of rights documents to land owners in the land reform area, Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, emphasizing that ALRO is the owner of the rights. But many land owners presented documents of rights under the Land Code to the ALRO. Mr. Winaroj Subsongsuk, secretary-general of the Agricultural Land Reform Office (ALRO), said that Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, ordered the Agricultural Land Reform Office (ALRO). Write a letter to the Director-General of the Land Department requesting expedited inspection of title documents according to the Land Code issued to many land owners in Pak Chong District. Nakhon Ratchasima Province The said area is in the land reform area which is owned by the ALRO. According to the Agricultural Land Reform Act, B.E. 2518 Mr. Thanadol Suwannarit, legal advisor Minist er of Agriculture and Cooperatives Sub-committee member of the sub-committee driving the investigation and consideration of offenses regarding people who have been allocated land and those who hold land illegally in the land reform area. According to the Agricultural Land Reform Commission's order No. 1/2024, it has inspected the area of ??illegal land ownership in the land reform area. Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province According to the map, it is classified from the permanent forest area, Khao Yai Forest, but it appears that many land owners and many plots have shown evidence that Have rights documents according to the Land Code, such as Aug. 1, etc. Therefore, in order to provide clarity regarding land ownership in the land reform area, ALRO has coordinated with the Land Department to consider and verify that Issuance of title documents according to the Land Code to the owners of said land. The Department of Lands issued it based on evidence or according to any section of t he Land Code in order for ALRO. It will be carried out in accordance with the legal regulations of the ALRO. Next. Source: Thai News Agency