Ordered to refill the tank before speeding away, refusing to pay for gas.

Tak, Warning! Gas station operators Scammers pretend to come in and add gas. Tell the staff to fill the tank. Before racing away, he refused to pay. Police at Muang Tak Police Station received a report from a gas station attendant that a criminal had added gas and not paid. At the PT gas station, Ban Sanambin Mai, Village No. 7, Nam Reum Subdistrict, Charowithi Thong Sai Road, Tak-Sukhothai, kilometer marker 106, Mr. Art, a gas station employee told reporters that There was a female gas attendant on duty in the middle of the night. Along with two managers on duty around 3:31 a.m. on March 15, 2024, there was a silver-bronze pickup truck with no license plate attached. The culprit was a man between 30 and 35 years old, driving alone. Came to ask for gas at the second dispenser, a full tank of B7 diesel, which cost 2,335 baht. It took only 5 minutes to fill up. After filling up, the criminal pretended to pay for the gas with some kind of card. But he quickly drove away from the gas station. Using the route Ta k-Sukhothai province after the culprit drove away. The female employee then called the police to report the incident to the police so they could track down the culprit. Along the Sukhothai sight route The officers radioed and asked for cooperation to go to various extraction points. Follow the criminal But there's still no sign. Mr. Art also said that The culprit must have come to see Ladlao once. Before causing the incident, he added gas and fled. which took advantage of the time in the middle of the night when there were no people and gas stations in the middle of nowhere There was a woman alone. This makes it easy to refuel and escape. I would like the police to urgently track down the culprits and prosecute them according to law. so as not to cause another incident elsewhere . Source: Thai News Agency