Organize a project to learn about clean energy create a green world In an artistic way

Chaiyaphum, CK Power joins forces Khlang Chatchaat Art Gallery organized the project 'Learning about clean energy create a green world in an artistic way" Recently, CK Power Public Company Limited, one of the largest leaders in producing electricity from renewable energy in the region and having one of the lowest carbon footprints, was led by Mr. Rewat Suwankitti, an advisor. along with Ajarn Saman Khlangchuat, a master artist and the founder of Khlangchuat Art Gallery. jointly organize activities 'Learn about clean energy create a green world With the Art Way' with Mr. Anan Nakniyom, Governor of Chaiyaphum Province. Honored to be the chairman and join in opening the event To create knowledge about renewable energy and enhance understanding of protecting natural resources and the environment with art skills from a network of leading art teachers in Thailand. Including promoting knowledge about clean energy to youth, teachers, volunteer employees. and communities around the power plant according to the frame work for creating value for society or the CSR Strategy Framework, covering social, environmental, and economic dimensions. Source: Thai News Agency