“Pacharawat” reveals that the Comptroller General’s Department has approved special compensation for officials. forest protector

Bangkok: Pol. Gen. Patcharawat" reveals good news for the New Year for forest guardians. The Comptroller General's Department approves disbursement of additional compensation for off-duty patrol. Maximum 3,000 baht per month Pol. Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, revealed that he would like to congratulate the forest rangers of the National Park Department. Wild animals and plants Performing duties Patrolling to prevent and suppress illegal forestry activities. who received good news in this new year The Comptroller General's Department has approved the National Park Service to disburse special compensation from the National Park funds. In working outside of official hours At the rate of 50 baht per hour, not more than 4 hours per day, this is a new compensation rate to be consistent with actual patrol operations. To encourage morale and improve the quality of life of forest guardians and their families as follows: 1. Perform patrol work no l ess than 14 nights per month and receive a special compensation at the rate of 2,000 baht per month. 2. Perform patrol work no less than 17 nights per month. per month to receive special compensation at the rate of 2,500 baht per month. 3. Performing patrol work not less than 20 nights per month will receive special compensation at the rate of 3,000 baht per month. For patrol operations of less than 14 nights per month, no extra compensation will be received for that month. For special compensation to forest guardians Will be able to operate from January 2024. In this regard, forest rangers of the National Park Department Take care of natural resources in protected forest areas, both on land and at sea. out patrolling Prevent suppression Including creating resource information If an offense is found, there will be an inspection and seizure in order to take legal action. Including committing an offense and sending it to the investigating officer for prosecution. In such missions, officers must take risks and face dangers. Risk of natural disasters and threats from perpetrators. Therefore, it is an improvement in remuneration suitable for performing duties Source: Thai News Agency