“Panpree” hopes Europe supports humanitarian projects in “Myanmar”

Belgium, "Panpree" gave a statement to the meeting. 'EU-ASEAN' hopes Europe will support the 'Myanmar' humanitarian project, indicating it is only one month into 2024. But the outlook for peace and stability is not good. Emphasizing the need to create cooperation within and between regions, emphasizing 3 main principles: dealing with geopolitical uncertainties - connectivity in all dimensions - sustainability guidelines 2 February 2024 at 4:00 p.m., Kingdom of Belgium time, Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Attended the 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in Brussels. Belgium By Mr. Panpree He made a statement to the meeting that We are only one month into the year 2024. But the prospects for global peace, stability, and prosperity are not very promising. The ongoing events in Ukraine and the Middle East remind us that peace is fragile and cannot be taken lightly. And all of these events affect us all in one way or another. Because our peace and security are indivisible. We therefore must build cooperation both within and between regions for peace and stability. ASEAN and the EU can work together to make a difference. In this meeting We must demonstrate a strong commitment to coordination and cooperation in today's multipolar world. In order to develop the ASEAN-EU strategic partnership, he would like to emphasize 3 issues. First, we must promote dialogue to determine a way to deal with geopolitical uncertainty. We now live in a world where there is a lack of trust in each other. This is because the security situation in our region is influenced by the relationships between major powers. more of the world We are therefore pleased that there is a new dialogue between the United States and China. and efforts to maintain stability in relations between the two countries. Dialogue has always been ASEAN's approach to resolving differences. and promoting dialogue is at the heart of ASEAN's centrality. But the discussion must be comprehensive. To build trust and confidence Inclusiveness is a core principle of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP), and we believe that the EU has a vision for a free, open, rules-based and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Second, cooperation will help strengthen connectivity in all dimensions. To enable ASEAN and the European Union to grow together as centers of global growth. It is our duty to invest further in supporting modern, clean and sustainable networks for energy, transport and digital technology. better infrastructure Better transport connectivity and supply chains and greater trade facilitation in the region. It will help pave the way for a quality and comprehensive Thai-EU Free Trade Area. including the ASEAN-EU Free Trade Area in the future which is mutually beneficial and based on equal partnership. Third, cooperation to promote sustainability and accelerate the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) looks ahead. We must do our best to meet the most daunting challenges we face. which is global climate change In the past few years We are faced with extreme weather phenomena more frequently. which causes serious damage to the planet and people. We should not be under any illusions. And we are moving further away from actually achieving the SDGs. The only solution for us is to promote sustainability through stronger cooperation. But we need to redouble our efforts and we must act now. For this reason, Thailand, as the ASEAN coordinator For sustainable development cooperation, we attach great importance to building sustainability cooperation. Promoting the green agenda can be a key point of ASEAN-EU cooperation. And this can be done in collaboration with the ASEAN Center for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue in Bangkok. And we look forward to the EU hosting the 4th ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Sustainable Development. He would like to talk briefly about the situation in Myanmar. We believe expanding humanitarian assistance is an important way forward. And we hope that the EU will support Thailand's humanitarian initiatives. which will be a small step Towards constructive dialogue and engagement between all parties in Myanmar. as well as between Myanmar and the international community.

Source: Thai News Agency