Permanent Secretary of Industry urges urgent repairs to cadmium storage ponds

Tak, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and related agencies. Visited the cadmium waste storage area in Nong Bua Tai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Tak Province after local residents objected to bringing cadmium back to the source. Mr. Natthaphon Rangsitphon, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry along with related agencies Visited the cadmium waste storage area in Nong Bua Tai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Tak Province, along with chairing a meeting of 6 agencies after villagers in the area objected to bringing cadmium back to the source. Mr. Nattaphon revealed that from the inspection, it was found that pond no. 5, where cadmium waste had been moved, had all been removed. There are many cracks. It takes time to repair. The villagers want a central agency to join in on another level of investigation. While waiting for repairs, the cadmium waste that was moved as scheduled on May 7 will be stored and waiting in the waiting building. which is a large building There is a completely cover ed roof. When the storage pond is repaired, it will be landfilled according to standards. As for concerns about roof leaks The staff will completely repair and replace the roof. Confirming that there will definitely be no problem with rainwater leakage. Source: Thai News Agency