Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior emphasizes that the governor Prevent – correct In the case of noise from entertainment venues

Bangkok, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior has strictly ordered governors of all provinces to strictly implement measures to prevent and solve problems in the case of noise disturbances from service establishments, emphasizing that if government officials in charge of the area ignore or abstain from complying with their authority, duty To proceed with both disciplinary and administrative matters without exception. along with admonishing district chiefs across the country Increase strictness in caring for the well-being of society. Mr. Suthiphong Chulcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior Revealing measures to prevent and solve problems in the case of the opening of service establishments and establishments that provide services in a manner similar to service establishments. This often causes annoyance from loud noises. Until causing complaints from citizens who live nearby. The Cabinet passed a resolution in a meeting on January 2, 2024, assigning the Ministry of Interior tog ether with relevant agencies to consider determining formats, guidelines, procedures, and steps for resolving incidents. or solving the problem of noise disturbances in service establishments and establishments that are open for service in a manner similar to service establishments The Ministry of Interior has previously issued a letter informing of guidelines for controlling and supervising service establishments. In the case of extending the opening hours of the service center until 4:00 a.m. the next day Let all provinces take action and consider this as a practice guideline in order to prevent impacts on people and society that may occur from extending the opening hours of service locations. Mr. Suthipong said that in order to increase efficiency in preventing and solving problems in the case of loud noise from the opening of service places and establishments that are open for service in a manner similar to service places. He therefore ordered the governors of every province to conduct public relations a nd create awareness for operators of service establishments and establishments that provide services similar to service establishments to comply with the law. service center and other related laws If there are cases of complaints/grievances related to service establishments and establishments that are open for service in a manner similar to service establishments that cause noise nuisance to people living nearby. Integrate relevant agencies at the local level to investigate, stop incidents, and solve problems according to their authority and duties quickly. However, if it is negligence by the operator. The relevant legal officials shall order the owner or occupant of a service establishment or establishment that is open for service in a manner similar to a service establishment to make improvements and correct the noise nuisance within 30 days, during which the following improvements are made. Tell him to stop using the sound that causes nuisance. And if after the specified period has elapsed, it has not been corrected. Can consider ordering the revocation of the license or ordering the closure and prohibiting the opening of service establishments or establishments in the said location again for 5 years. Mr. Suthiphong further said that In the case of other business establishments that are not service establishments and establishments that provide services that are similar to service establishments that cause noise nuisance Notify officials according to the law on public health to go to the area to inspect, monitor, control, and supervise, and give advice to business operators for improvement within the time period specified by law. If no action is taken, officials under the law on public health will strictly proceed according to their authority and duties. 'Let the provincial governors of every province Remind heads of government agencies, civil servants, employees, and officials responsible for receiving complaints/grievances. Follow up and resolve complaints/complaints that arise to be completed quickly. In c ases where it appears that there has been neglect or failure to proceed according to the law by the officials The commander of that officer shall consider taking both criminal and administrative action decisively and quickly. and report the results of operations in this matter to the Ministry of Interior,' Mr. Suthipong emphasized. In addition, he also gave orders to Mr. Orasit Samphantharat, Director-General of the Department of Provincial Administration. To proceed according to the orders of Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior. By instructing the district chiefs of all 878 districts nationwide Increasing strictness in maintaining peace and order during the extended opening hours of service establishments in accordance with ministerial regulations. Determining the opening and closing times of service establishments (No. 3) 2023. Do not neglect to inspect regularly. Inspect the orderliness of service establishments and establishments that are open for service in a similar manner to service establishments to ensure strict compliance with the law. Especially the ban on carrying firearms. Do not possess addictive substances. and children under 20 years of age are prohibited from using the service. As well as coordinating with police officers in the area to strictly prevent drunk driving. To prevent loss of life and property of citizens and public property in the area. Source: Thai News Agency