Pheu Thai promotes a policy for everyone to have equal land for living.

Pheu Thai announces the policy of deeds for cultivating land. Ensuring that all Thai people must have land to cultivate equally.

Plodprasop Suraswadee, chairman of the Land and Environmental Policy Committee, Pheu Thai Party, said that the policy of title deeds in arable land which the Pheu Thai Party presented The concept is as follows: 1. Every citizen must have his own land. Every farmer's household will have enough land to make a living. 2. Proceed to issue title deeds to the people of 50 million rai by converting conflicting land into agroforestry. Every tree has a price. 3. Title deed land will be used as a green area. to solve global warming to a carbon-neutral state and generate income from carbon credits

Mr. Plod Prasop said that for the operation 1. Owners of 1 million plots of land before December 1, 1954, the Land Code enforced by Aug. 1, will be entitled to prove their rights. And get a title deed, however, the owner continues to benefit without Aug. 1 will be proven. 2. Land in the category of Sor Por Kor for hire-purchase land. Legal tenants or statutory heir will receive title deeds immediately In the case of other people who acquired the land from the tenant or from statutory heirs get the right document and perennials must be planted at least half of the area and limited to no more than 20 rai per person

“For land leased Legitimate tenants or statutory heir Perennials must be planted no less than half of the area. and will receive title deeds As for the case of other people who get land from tenants or statutory heirs will be allowed to continue renting which must be planted perennials not less than half of the area And will not get more than 20 rai of land from degraded forests, amounting to 33 million rai, the owner of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 land or the legal heir who has continuously used it will receive a title deed by planting perennial trees. not less than half of the area In the case of other persons who acquired the land from the person who received the land Sor Por Kor 4-01 will receive the title document. which must be planted perennials not less than half Which will get no more than 20 rai of land for the title deed from this policy is still protected as an agricultural area for food security and the environment,” Plodprasop said.

Mr. Plod Prasop said that 3. Forest land is 3.1 people who live and make a living in degraded forest areas. By using continuous use, approximately 7 million rai will receive title deeds in due time. The perennials must be planted at least half of the area. As for the people who live and make a living in the foothills of about 10 million rai, they will receive the title document within the deadline. The perennials must be planted at least half of the area. Indigenous communities of approximately 20,000 villages continuously inhabited will receive documents in the form of community forestry cooperatives

Mr. Chonthis Suraswadi, former Director General of the Royal Forest Department As a working group for land and environment policy, Pheu Thai Party, said that during 30 years of service saw the chaos in solving the land problem Related to many laws, such as Aug. 1, which came into force on December 1, 1954, and had a 180-day deadline for filing applications. If people who do not understand the law and fail to submit within 180 days, they may be dropped. Likewise, the ALRO can issue title documents, but is subject to Section 39 that cannot issue title deeds. In the past, the Royal Forest Department had assigned the Land Reform Office to operate. Nowadays, people who have S.P.A. land still hold 4-01 as before. Today, the Pheu Thai Party has an answer. We will amend some laws. But still the basics of being an agricultural area. to be the country's production base

"Forest land It is well known that When Mr. Plod Prasop was the Director-General, he saw the importance of his brothers and sisters living in the forest. Cabinet resolutions were raised to improve But the problem that follows is that there are still no rights that the people think they should have. Therefore, the brothers and sisters in the forest area, 13 settlements, 14 million rai, 1.5 million rai, which should have received the N.K. 1 already, the Pheu Thai Party will improve. Amendment returns rights to you. as in the case of Khao Kho Or Phu Thap Boek, however, it is strange that there was a resolution of the Cabinet a few days ago. have brought these places to the treasury But we will continue to solve these problems, ”said Mr. Chonthis

Source: Thai News Agency