Pheu Thai waits for the committee to discuss political guidelines.

Pheu Thai 15 May-Pheu Thai Congratulations on winning the election The terms of the MOU to form a government have not yet been seen. Looking at if they actually signed it, it's a good thing for the public to know as well. Wait for the BOD to talk first. Don't jump to conclusions if the conversation doesn't make sense. must return to the opposition

Chonnan Srikaew, leader of Pheu Thai Party Enter the office of the Pheu Thai Party. to prepare for a meeting with the leaders of the party executive committee After the election results, it was clear that the Pheu Thai Party was in second place, saying that today the party's executive committee will come to discuss how to determine how to proceed after this work. Confirmed that there is no secret deal with Mr. Pita Limcharoenrat, leader of the Kao Klai Party. Has not yet coordinated official talks with the Progressive Party.

As for the possibility of joining the Progressive Party to form a government The leader of the Pheu Thai Party said that the Pheu Thai Party clearly showed that it accepted the voice of the people who trusted the Kao Klai Party to be the number one priority. Congratulations to the Progressive Party and willing to be a leader in forming a government As for how to cooperate? Pheu Thai Party as the second party Must listen to the voice of the number one party to see what attitude how is the direction

When asked about signing an agreement to form a joint government with the Progressive Party Is there any point that may not work together? Dr. Chon Nan said that it is still unknown. It is a guideline announced by the Progressive Party. which signing clearly is a good thing Because it will be revealed to the public that if working together with what can I do which must be discussed If we can't join together, which one will we relax or agree? must see there And still do not know what the content of the MOU draft of the Progressive Party is still unknown. So still can't answer about the allocation of ministerial chairs. Initially known will focus on working according to the policy.

When asked to repeat If details cannot be shared Is the Pheu Thai Party ready to be the opposition again? The Pheu Thai Party leader said he had to look at the details first. Now the interests of the nation must be taken into account. When people give votes to the overwhelming democracy like this The intent would probably want the democratic side to come and work in the government. This is more important come to think about what you must be It's not that they can't be together. Then must come to the opposition.-

Source: Thai News Agency