Phuket has a lot of problems because of the gold area. Km. to support foreigners

Phuket, NACC Secretary points out that Phuket is a golden area, competing for resources. There are many complaints that are not easy to solve. Focus on prevention. The Phuket governor accepts complex problems. Part of the law allows foreigners to own houses and land. The Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) organized a seminar on the issue 'Statistics of cases and complaints of the NACC Region 8' and 'Statistics of natural resource cases in Phuket Province and collection of fees to enter public beaches' by Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, NACC Secretary-General Opening the event, he said that Phuket is a golden area. This causes many complaints regarding natural resource cases. Admit that the work of officials is not easy. Because some cases have occurred for 10-30 years, the NACC is continuously trying to solve accumulated problems. The rights of the people who were the original occupants must first be proven whether they are legally in possession or not. 'If it is a park boundary area, fore st boundary boundary area or ALRO area or even public land that does not yet have clear boundaries. It causes problems in putting the land to use. Issuing false documents Used to create added value In addition, there are foreigners coming to occupy them. try to dominate causing problems in the area Today we must ask for cooperation from all sectors to help solve the problem. Today, therefore, we have invited the "strong Phuket" group to join in. The NACC does not focus on suppression work, but focuses on preventing wrongdoing from occurring. Or go find fault with the public and private sectors that are involved in wrongdoing. punish yourself Catching the wrong person not the correct way But what must be done to prevent repeat offenses? which we must work together Must not commit corruption and does not tolerate corruption must not be ignored Today the public sector must be strong and must not be afraid,' NACC Secretary-General say Mr. Niwatchai said that the NACC Try to create transparency in information. Fa cilitate access to news information The Information Act, although lacking in strength and enforcement, But there is a mechanism process that today the NACC Adding to the matter of ITA or the evaluation of morality and transparency. Operations of government agencies used with more than 8,000 government agencies to ensure transparency that can be examined together. Therefore, all sectors must be integrated. Along with thanking the Governor of Phuket Province which is strong even though just moved to station 'The media's presentation of facts is important. Various cases have occurred. Many times the NACC has been the village where bullets fell. But that's okay. We did not respond. Just go and see how the various facts that have arisen will be resolved. and provide fairness to all parties Therefore, the matter of driving About social trends considered a good thing If no information comes out Right or wrong doesn't matter. But if there is no presentation Society will not wake up,' NACC Secretary-General say Mr. Sophon Suwannarat, Governor of Phuket Province, said that Phuket Province is a destination for tourists around the world. Last year, there were approximately 11.6 million tourists. Before Covid in 2019, there were over 14 million tourists. This year it is expected to be more than 14 million, while last year's tourism revenue was 380,000 million. The baht can collect 110,000 million baht in taxes. Phuket has a population of 420,000 people, but there are approximately 550,000 people living from other provinces and another 400,000 tourists, making the population approximately 1.2 million - 1.5 million people. 'Since the end of last year until now, the most incoming tourists are Russian, Chinese and Indian tourists. There are 200 to 300 flights per day, not including tourists who come by cruise ship, which are about 2-3 trips per day. It is accepted. that when there are a lot of people coming in Then a problem occurred. Therefore, a special center has been set up to track down foreigners who break the law. At th is time, more than 100 visas have been revoked. But if they do not meet the criteria for committing a serious offense that requires visa revocation, there is a subcommittee to monitor behavior. Such as the case of Mr. David who assaulted a doctor. The case has not yet required the visa to be revoked, but Mr. David's behavior has accumulated in many ways and has been found to be not good. Therefore, we recommend to the Immigration Bureau that this behavior is causing chaos and trouble in the country and the visa should be revoked,' said the Phuket Governor. Mr. Sophon said the assault case is currently in court. While the problem occurred I admit that part of this is because the law provides opportunities for foreigners. Foreigners can only buy 1 unit of land, houses, and condos. This is a channel that causes quite a bit of trouble. Not just Phuket Including the Bangkok area This law makes it difficult for officials to carry out their duties. Because foreigners have the right to buy It will happen a lot durin g times when real estate in the country is difficult to sell. It also opens up the possibility of problems. Therefore, when there are many foreigners coming in Make every government sector join forces to keep up. Because there are many behaviors, especially from Europe, the problem is complicated. 'Phuket is an island. There are beaches around the island. Therefore there are many problems. But it is continued. Some points are being considered by the court. Some are in progress and some can be completed. I think the Phuket problem is complicated. And the local media is doing a good job. Considered as the eye of a pineapple, helping the officials As for the issue of unruly foreigners every day, there are all forms. It is considered normal because it is a tourist city. But trying to campaign for Phuket to be a clean city, a safe city, a livable city for people who come to travel. And for Phuket people themselves We sincerely hope that Phuket will continue to be a sustainable place for people to visit,' said the Governor of Phuket Province. Mr. Sophon said he had proposed that Phuket be made a special administrative region like Pattaya. Because there is a readiness in budget and infrastructure development. Agree that the NACC emphasizes corruption prevention. in order not to cause damage to the state This will prevent damage to the country. I think that the power of the people, the mass media, and social media can help be the eyes and ears very well. It is important to prevent corruption and reduce it until it is completely gone. Source: Thai News Agency