“Phumtham” throws the issue to the security sector to consider whether to increase the team protecting the leader or not.

Government House, "Phumtham" said that the security sector should consider whether to increase the team protecting the leader or not after "Trump" was shot. Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, was interviewed on the issue of the assassination of Mr. Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate, whether it is necessary to increase security measures at the national leader level or not. He said that he is sorry and does not want to see political work that requires violence. The relevant parties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have already expressed their sympathy and we do not support the use of violence. As for Thailand, we have to look at the situation within our country by letting the security sector and the units responsible for protecting the leader consider the appropriateness. The politics of the United States and Thailand are not the same. Therefore, we do not have to think too far because it will make us think about everything around the world. As for Mr. Thaks in Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister, who revealed that he was assassinated many times during his time as Prime Minister, is it necessary to consider the safety of the leader? Mr. Phumtham said that that was during Mr. Thaksin's time. This period has been a long time. Whether it is the same, worse than before, or much better than before, it is better to look at the truth. I do not want to make predictions because predictions will cause us to misunderstand and cause more problems. As for whether there will be an increase in security forces for the leader or not, it is up to the security sector. There is no need to predict whether it will be initially or behind the scenes. Let the security sector consider it itself, which is a regular issue that the security sector must take care of anyway. Source: Thai News Agency