“Pichit” specifies the Buddhist school Must point out right and wrong, the issue of “Nong Naich – Sam Chit”

Complaint Receiving Center, "Pichit" appoints examination committee "Nong Naich - Linking the Mind" The Buddhist office must point out right and wrong. Will make a statement on 17 May. We know whether linking the mind really exists or not. Prepare to call the directors of Buddhist centers all over the country to discuss. Mr. Phichit Chuenban, Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office Gave an interview about the case of Nong Nice - Chuamchit saying that he is serious about this matter. Do not allow the National Office of Buddhism to remain silent. Because society needs to be enlightened. To be carried out in accordance with ministerial regulations. Regarding the division of government departments of the National Office of Buddhism, it is specified that the Office of Buddhism must propose guidelines for setting policies and measures for the protection of Buddhism. Therefore, although the Office of Buddhism There will be no framework of authority to prosecute in the criminal justice system. 'If the con nection between the minds is compromised. Going beyond the law of the country It's another matter. But he gave the policy to the director of the Buddhist Office. that the Buddhist office You must dare to point out right and wrong. In the case of connecting the mind or not, When I took over the position of Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Directing the National Office of Buddhism, the Office of Buddhism, must be courageous and courageous, which is why there has always been a discussion. which the director of the Buddhist Office It was reported that A working group has been set up to investigate. Filter information and actions that may affect the stability of Buddhism and has been considered in this matter When the matter has been processed It will be presented at the Sangha Sangha meeting on May 20,' Mr. Phichit said. Mr. Phichit said that this is a matter that society follows all the time. Today (May 15), he chaired a meeting to prepare for World Visakha Bucha Day. in the morning last There will be a press conference at 10:00 a.m. this Friday, May 17, after the press conference. Himself and the director of the Buddhist Office Relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (Ministry of Social Development and Human Security) and police officers will be invited. Come provide factual information to the media. which the Buddhist office There will be confirmation of something. By wanting the Buddhist office He is the speaker himself. He has given a policy that We have to be brave to say that. In the case of connecting minds, can it be done or not? Agreeing to go against the Tripitaka What principle of religion is against? will receive clarity That is why he said that Faith don't waver Dhamma is not a matter of buying and selling. Enter the temple and get Dhamma. 'Director of the Buddhist Office It has been confirmed that his information is complete because he went to sit in a meeting. Let him come and give a detailed statement. Is it true that mind connection exists? I will lis ten to him whether it is possible to connect the mind or not. Because when it is based on Buddhist principles The ministerial regulations considered it a duty and a mission. Next, I gave the policy that This case is not the first. There are many other cases that occur in society. I believe there are many more cases. Therefore gave the policy that The Office of Buddhism must take proactive action. Recently, I asked the Director of the Office of Buddhism to Invite the director of the Buddhist Office Every province across the country has come up with a policy that Proactive operations inaction Satisfying many parties It is the maintenance of religion. which I have kept many matters that will contribute to Buddhism,' Mr. Phichit said. Source: Thai News Agency