Point out that officials worked slowly before issuing arrest warrants for the group disrupting the royal procession.

Parliament, "Ekanat" issues an urgent motion to protect the safety of the royal convoy. to speed up enforcement of the law slams officials for working slowly Until an arrest warrant is issued Mr. Ekanat Promphan, M.S.B.List of names of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party Said he was prepared to propose an urgent verbal motion. Request the House of Representatives to reconsider the measures to protect the safety of the royal procession of His Majesty the King and royal family in order to prevent behavior that obstructs the procession that may cause harm or dishonor the King. To the meeting of the House of Representatives According to regulations 50 and 50 (1), it will be an open meeting. Didn't ask for a secret meeting Due to the incident that happened with the royal procession If we don't fix it quickly, things may escalate. Leading to unrest affecting stability Confirming that he does not want to aggravate the incident and cause division. But would like to propose guidelines to relevant agencies. Speed ??up the enforcement of the law It may be necessary to review regulations and measures of relevant agencies. Because even though there is already a law But the regulations and practice plans have not been updated to keep up with the situation. There must also be training and public relations for the public to know. Guidelines It is also a good opportunity for the House of Representatives to Listen to the voice of the people Let's discuss and solve problems quickly. It's a good opportunity to hurry up, review, and practice. If you neglect it, you'll be just a drop of honey. Create division among the people until affecting stability 'I don't want to cause problems. And don't want to imagine that neglect and failure to perform duties in offering safety Then something like this happened. which gives examples in foreign countries There was an incident with Princess Diana's motorcade. in England Caused by negligence and failure to perform duties by officials end in tragedy Therefore, I do not want this kind of incident to happen again. and fear that it will become a single drop of honey that will lead to division,' Mr. Ekanat said. As for the case today (February 14), there will be the detention of Ms. Thantawan Tuatulanon, the accused in the case of disturbing the royal procession. Mr. Ekanat did not wish to comment on this matter. Because it is not a matter of the House of Representatives Please proceed according to the justice process. which proposes an urgent motion Want to talk about safety measures. because it affects people's feelings Because the incident occurred on February 4th, the officials did not take any action. An arrest warrant was not issued. Until the accused went to do activities Polling was done in Siam on February 10th and a clash occurred. with a group that sees differently Until a serious incident occurred Today's motion will not talk about whether behavior is appropriate or inappropriate. Because society has already decided I just want to speed up enforcement of the law. As for today's consideration, what time frame will be used? Mr. Ekanat said that he would propose a motion to have a number of Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party MPs discuss it. and Mr. Akaradejwongpitakroj will be the person to discuss and summarize In addition, Mr. Ekanat did not ask to comment on the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister. received a suspended sentence And after the suspension, what will the political situation be like? He stated that he cannot assess it. At this time, he has only one thing in mind. This is the motion that will be presented today. And it is not related to the case of being one of the coalition government parties. Therefore, they do not dare to talk about Mr. Thaksin. By confirming that he can speak about every topic. Source: Thai News Agency