“Pol. Col. Wirut” points out that the khaki industry is in disarray.

Pol. Col. Wirut" questioned whether the request for a search warrant had sufficient information before requesting the warrant. Point out that the khaki industry is a mess. "The problem of house searches, highway tributes, and auction houses" is caused by police from different sides not agreeing to each other. He suggested to the Prime Minister not to appoint police to inspect each other's police, which is dangerous.

Pol.Col.Wirut Sirisawatdibutr Secretary General of the Institute for Justice Reform Discusses the case of cyber police and commandos. Complete with weapons Searched the residence of "Big Joke" Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, saying it was a search to arrest a person according to an arrest warrant. But the point is When I searched, I couldn't find it. But found it in another house. So the question arose: How reliable is the information in requesting approval of an arrest warrant from the court? Why did I go in and search and not find it? in requesting a search warrant Officials who investigate information should know that Even such a house Pol.Gen.Surachet Not named as the owner But it's a resident. and on the day of the search he was also in the house.

As for whether or not a senior police officer must have a senior police officer lead the search in order to search the home of a senior police officer, that is not necessary. Whoever has a duty will act accordingly. according to role Accepting that the incident involving the police officer continued to occur. It affects the police industry by using the word "mess" from problems with highway tributes, auction houses, to cases of house searches. from gambling website problems It's a story about police from different sides, along the lines of "You opened up about this. I am open about that matter.” As for the Prime Minister appointing outsiders who are not police to inspect the house search matter. It's a good thing.

For consideration in selecting and appointing a new police chief, anyone who can do the job can be chosen. It is not necessary to be senior, even as the Act is written, because in the past there have been many appointments of police officers that did not use seniority criteria. As for the house search Pol.Gen.Surachet It does not have much impact on being a candidate for Police Commander because there are still many years of service remaining. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency