Prepare to debate and reclaim government policy promises.

Chaichana" prepares to debate to reclaim government policy promises. After there were no actionable items within the draft Budget Act for 2024, along with a proposal to increase the proportion of local budgets, some local administrative organizations said they purchased electricity poles at excessive prices. Mr. Chaichana Dechdecho, Nakhon Si Thammarat MP and Deputy Leader of the Democrat Party Mentioning preparations for the debate on the draft bill (Act) for the fiscal year 2024 budget expenditure, he said that for the Democrat Party The people and content discussed in the draft budget have already been prepared. It will be pointed out that Budget to be spent to meet government policy Since the announcement of the election campaign until included in the government policy statement Instead, there is a lack of importance from the government in using the budget. To be a tool to drive policy to achieve results 'It turns out that what the government campaigned for the people is It's like a blank check. Hoping to rely on the old reputation In order to maintain the Pheu Thai Party's brand as the original populist party, such as the minimum wage policy of 600 baht, bachelor's degree 25,000 baht, it appears that there was no budget item used to push for an increase in private sector wages. This is different from the Prime Minister's attitude which stated that Unhappy because wages rose too little Government sector wages There is an increased salary category for civil servants. But it still hasn't reached the number that was campaigned for. Policy to promote soft power in all dimensions It turned out that In addition to being a platform for the name of Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party leader It's caught the public's ear. It does not appear that there is any planning and budget, even though it is important. Hoping only for a temporary trend and it would disappear. There is no systematic strategy and budget that will be used to promote and support it. The 20 baht BMA policy for the entire line does not appear in the list of related plans and projects in the MRTA, SRT, but may be hidden in the revenue compensation budget category of the MRTA and SRT, which is not included. Classify the items clearly,' Mr. Chaichana said. Mr. Chaichana further said that the policy that people expect the government to succeed, namely the 10,000 baht digital wallet project, appears not to be in the draft list. Budget Act in any way, which may be possible. The government is aware of the financial situation. Including various limitations, then the idea will be abandoned. or change the method of implementing such policy. However, when it is already included in the government's policy statement must ask the government Answer the question: How will the 10,000 baht digital wallet project begin? Mr. Chaichana further said that for budgets related to local government organizations, He would like the public to follow closely. This is because it is considered a budget that is close to the people. The ratio of local government organization inc ome to net government income has remained constant at 29 percent for 7 consecutive years. which is still less than the target The 1999 Act specifying plans and procedures for decentralizing power to local government organizations at 35 percent makes public service management of local government organizations still unable to develop the quality of public services as required by law. Including no clarity Increasing the proportion of budgets for local government organizations As required by law It also appears that The local budget will be used to provide public services. Instead, it is concentrated with a central agency that oversees it. It appears in the budget that It is a budget to promote innovation and the use of renewable energy. But when I went to look, I found that some local administrative organizations used the method of setting budgets for the procurement of electric poles at prices that were too expensive. 'I fear that this may be a channel for corruption. or coordination between central and local government officials Including budget manipulation. It has become a budget to satisfy political needs. Therefore, he and the Democrat Party There will be a discussion to allow the government to allocate budget to local areas. so that various localities The budget can be used to the full benefit of the people,' Mr. Chaichana said Source: Thai News Agency