Preparing to select senators, expecting 100,000 applicants Emphasize that it is a platform for the people.

Office of the Election Commission, Chairman of the Election Commission gives intensive training to the media. Prepare the selection The Senate expects there will be 100,000 applicants. Emphasize that applicants study the regulations and qualifications before entering the field. Warn political parties not to be complacent Because it is a people's forum. Lock senators and political parties Can't form a group to send people to compete for Senate. Reporters reported that Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission. (Electrical Election Commission) presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting to educate the media on selecting senators or senators, as well as meeting to talk about guidelines and integrating cooperation in disseminating information on selecting senators, he said. One episode said This selection of senators is not the first time. Because the Organic Act (P.R.P.) regarding the acquisition of senators, B.E. 2017, had previously selected senators once at the end of 2018, but at that time it was selected according to a transitional provision. which is a single round of self-selection And it is a selection of only 10 occupational groups which were collapsed from 20 occupational groups, but this time it will be the selection of senators. Full coverage of the Act on the acquisition of senators. specified, which is a personal choice By applying in person, there are 3 levels: district level, provincial level, and national level. We therefore invite those who have all the qualifications to apply to become a senator. In order for the people to participate directly in the process and the Senate. This time, by the agenda of the current Senate. It will end on May 10, 2024 and whenever there is a royal decree calling for Senate elections. 15 days later There will be applications for senators for 5 days, followed by another 5 days when the names of applicants will be announced. And within 20 days after applications close, there must be a selection at the district level, and then another 7 days later there will be a selection at the provincial level. After that, it will be another 10 days until the national selection is made. Therefore, it is expected that the results will be known within July. When the results are known, the law says to Election Commission waits 5 days in case there are any issues. that must be reviewed Then the results are announced. 'Let the applicant say Please study and check the qualifications and prohibited characteristics in applying carefully. and examine yourself with knowledge, expertise, and professional experience and which occupational group Because there are 20 career groups in order to prevent mistakes in applying to the correct group. and study the forms, criteria, methods, and penalties According to the Act on the acquisition of senators. which has regulations The Election Commission regarding Senate elections 2024 has been revised and supported. And if you have any questions or need information You can inquire. From the Office of the Election Commission in variou s provinces, Election Commission Hotline 1444 or Application Smartvote,' Mr. Itthiphon said. Mr. Itthiphon continued that as for the issue of preventing and suppressing corruption, The law states that the Election Commission must appoint election inspectors. To perform the duty of inspecting the performance of duties of officials in selecting whether they performed their duties correctly or not. Are there any actions that violate the Act on the acquisition of senators? And are there any actions that make the selection of senators not dishonest and fair? which will be supported News operations team and fast moving units If an offense is found, it can be reported to the Election Commission of various provinces. or pineapple eye application Which individuals can provide clues that lead to non-corrupt actions? and just Have the right to receive a reward according to the Election Commission's regulations regarding giving rewards to those giving clues. The rewards will be in order of how beneficial they are to the litigation. The maximum amount is 1 million baht. 'This selection of senators It is expected that there will be approximately 100,000 applicants when selection is made at the district level. Each district group will have 3 people who get the highest number of votes. 1 district has 20 groups, totaling 60 people. Districts nationwide are 928 districts. When combined, there will be 55,680 people, all of whom will enter the provincial selection process. To select the first 2 people who received the highest scores from each group. There will be 3,080 people selected for the national selection. After that, the national selection will be 200 people, 20 groups of 10 people each,' Mr. Itthiphon said. The President of the Election Commission spoke about estimating the number of applicants to be selected as senators. 100,000 people is said to be the preliminary estimate of the Election Commission that in selecting senators this time there will be no less than this number of applicants. But if there are more numbers th an this, it will be something to be happy about. Because interested citizens can apply and when the time comes, they can choose among themselves from various career groups, especially if there are a large number. It is considered a good thing. Which has now been informed to the Provincial Election Commission during the past week that if people are interested in applying You can inquire about procedures and information at the Provincial Election Commission. It is considered an effort to publicize and provide correct information to interested citizens. As for the case where the Nation Building Institute provides knowledge about the process of selecting senators, the Election Commission president said there is no law prohibiting it. Therefore, if it is a training arrangement To provide knowledge and understanding It should be a good part. Because it will help promote and disseminate the importance of applying for selection as a senator. When asked whether such action would be considered creating a network to b lock votes. Or lobbying or not? The Chairman of the Election Commission said that right now he still cannot say that. Because it was announced that there would be training. He was not sure if there had been any training or not. and has been announced in public So I think it's worth looking at the facts first. For the case where there has been an announcement from a famous person that they will apply to be selected as Senator and has launched a public relations campaign for himself. Can it be done or not? Mr. Itthiphon said that it can be done because it is normal to express interest. You can tell. No one can prevent it. The application process will take place 15 days after the Royal Decree stipulates that the selection of senators will take place. Therefore, this period is considered preparation for all parties. Including citizens who are interested in applying. Because the term of this group of senators will end on May 10th, which is not much time left. And the process of selecting senators will take place after not more than 60 days. Therefore, giving knowledge Creating awareness among the people It is considered an important matter. If all sectors can work together It would be a good thing. The President of the Election Commission said that at this time there are no precautions. Because nothing has yet happened that we should be careful of and we have to slowly look at the facts. Because the Election Commission has legal duties. Make the selection of senators honest and fair. Therefore, to think about something first without revealing the facts It is very inappropriate. When asked if there was an effort to make the candidate understand that he had the backing of a political party. Is it considered an offense according to the Act on the acquisition of senators? Mr. Itthiphon said that Section 77 has already prescribed the punishment. As for whether it will lead to the dissolution of the party or not, we are not sure yet. It is clear that this is an election by the people. which is the reason for organizing t he selection by the people Because there used to be elections that were based on political parties. and a canvasser was used So whatever which is not an application process or application process by oneself It is considered a risk of breaking the law. As for those who are party members and executive committee members of political parties who can apply, must there be a 5-year gap or not? Mr. Itthiphon said that there must be a 5-year gap, but former senators who will join together will send candidates. can't do it 'Only the senators themselves cannot apply. which the integration will be even more considered as not being independent and the Act on the Acquisition of Senators that provides selection in this system for the first time. It is to prevent interference from political parties. Therefore, whatever intervenes It risks violating the law,' Mr. Itthiphon said. When asked whether the Progressive Committee that is working on local elections can have candidates selected to be senators, the Election Commissi on president reiterated that they cannot be tied together. Because it is for interested citizens to apply. Therefore, please adhere to this word. While the Election Commission's inspection There is no need for anyone to submit a request. If there is the fact that there is an action that is considered or may be a violation of the law. The Election Commission can set up investigations on its own. When asked repeatedly, The selection of senators in the past The Election Commission set a target of 100,000 applicants, but only 7,000 actually came. So, what policy will the Election Commission have to proceed in order to meet that target? Mr. Itthiphon said that at that time he himself said that there would be 100,000 applicants. It was calculated based on the application method and the results that would be obtained from each district, groups of 3 people, but the fact that it came out found that there were not many applicants. Not interesting Not exciting 'At this time, the target number is 100,000 people because it is a full selection. It is not a transitional chapter. Those who are selected will be chosen at all, unlike in 2018 where there was only one round of selection. When there were 200 names at the provincial level, they had to send them to the NCPO to select another 50 people. Therefore, the election factors are the same as this time. Completely different Therefore, we hope that the number of 100,000 people is not too much, not too little. In this regard, it is emphasized that the selection of senators this time There are still the same prohibitions on campaigning,' Mr. Itthiphon said. As for the former deputy secretary-general of the Election Commission, he confirmed that the 2018 Senate election was the quietest election in the world. Whether this time will be the same or not, Mr. Itthiphon said that last time it was not the quietest in the world. If we say that it is the quietest in the world We have to know whether there are senators who are quieter than us in this world. But actually the Election Commis sion tries to spread the news and publicize it as much as possible. But the interest of the people at that time was not as great as we expected. Source: Thai News Agency

Preparing to select senators, expecting 100,000 applicants Emphasize that it is a platform for the people.

Office of the Election Commission, Chairman of the Election Commission gives intensive training to the media. Prepare the selection The Senate expects there will be 100,000 applicants. Emphasize that applicants study the regulations and qualifications before entering the field. Warn political parties not to be complacent Because it is a people's forum. Lock senators and political parties Can't form a group to send people to compete for Senate. Reporters reported that Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission. (Electrical Election Commission) presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting to educate the media on selecting senators or senators, as well as meeting to talk about guidelines and integrating cooperation in disseminating information on selecting senators, he said. One episode said This selection of senators is not the first time. Because the Organic Act (P.R.P.) regarding the acquisition of senators, B.E. 2017, had previously selected senators once at the end of 2018, but at that time it was selected according to a transitional provision. which is a single round of self-selection And it is a selection of only 10 occupational groups which were collapsed from 20 occupational groups, but this time it will be the selection of senators. Full coverage of the Act on the acquisition of senators. specified, which is a personal choice By applying in person, there are 3 levels: district level, provincial level, and national level. We therefore invite those who have all the qualifications to apply to become a senator. In order for the people to participate directly in the process and the Senate. This time, by the agenda of the current Senate. It will end on May 10, 2024 and whenever there is a royal decree calling for Senate elections. 15 days later There will be applications for senators for 5 days, followed by another 5 days when the names of applicants will be announced. And within 20 days after applications close, there must be a selection at the district level, and then another 7 days later there will be a selection at the provincial level. After that, it will be another 10 days until the national selection is made. Therefore, it is expected that the results will be known within July. When the results are known, the law says to Election Commission waits 5 days in case there are any issues. that must be reviewed Then the results are announced. 'Let the applicant say Please study and check the qualifications and prohibited characteristics in applying carefully. and examine yourself with knowledge, expertise, and professional experience and which occupational group Because there are 20 career groups in order to prevent mistakes in applying to the correct group. and study the forms, criteria, methods, and penalties According to the Act on the acquisition of senators. which has regulations The Election Commission regarding Senate elections 2024 has been revised and supported. And if you have any questions or need information You can inquire. From the Office of the Election Commission in variou s provinces, Election Commission Hotline 1444 or Application Smartvote,' Mr. Itthiphon said. Mr. Itthiphon continued that as for the issue of preventing and suppressing corruption, The law states that the Election Commission must appoint election inspectors. To perform the duty of inspecting the performance of duties of officials in selecting whether they performed their duties correctly or not. Are there any actions that violate the Act on the acquisition of senators? And are there any actions that make the selection of senators not dishonest and fair? which will be supported News operations team and fast moving units If an offense is found, it can be reported to the Election Commission of various provinces. or pineapple eye application Which individuals can provide clues that lead to non-corrupt actions? and just Have the right to receive a reward according to the Election Commission's regulations regarding giving rewards to those giving clues. The rewards will be in order of how beneficial they are to the litigation. The maximum amount is 1 million baht. 'This selection of senators It is expected that there will be approximately 100,000 applicants when selection is made at the district level. Each district group will have 3 people who get the highest number of votes. 1 district has 20 groups, totaling 60 people. Districts nationwide are 928 districts. When combined, there will be 55,680 people, all of whom will enter the provincial selection process. To select the first 2 people who received the highest scores from each group. There will be 3,080 people selected for the national selection. After that, the national selection will be 200 people, 20 groups of 10 people each,' Mr. Itthiphon said. The President of the Election Commission spoke about estimating the number of applicants to be selected as senators. 100,000 people is said to be the preliminary estimate of the Election Commission that in selecting senators this time there will be no less than this number of applicants. But if there are more numbers th an this, it will be something to be happy about. Because interested citizens can apply and when the time comes, they can choose among themselves from various career groups, especially if there are a large number. It is considered a good thing. Which has now been informed to the Provincial Election Commission during the past week that if people are interested in applying You can inquire about procedures and information at the Provincial Election Commission. It is considered an effort to publicize and provide correct information to interested citizens. As for the case where the Nation Building Institute provides knowledge about the process of selecting senators, the Election Commission president said there is no law prohibiting it. Therefore, if it is a training arrangement To provide knowledge and understanding It should be a good part. Because it will help promote and disseminate the importance of applying for selection as a senator. When asked whether such action would be considered creating a network to b lock votes. Or lobbying or not? The Chairman of the Election Commission said that right now he still cannot say that. Because it was announced that there would be training. He was not sure if there had been any training or not. and has been announced in public So I think it's worth looking at the facts first. For the case where there has been an announcement from a famous person that they will apply to be selected as Senator and has launched a public relations campaign for himself. Can it be done or not? Mr. Itthiphon said that it can be done because it is normal to express interest. You can tell. No one can prevent it. The application process will take place 15 days after the Royal Decree stipulates that the selection of senators will take place. Therefore, this period is considered preparation for all parties. Including citizens who are interested in applying. Because the term of this group of senators will end on May 10th, which is not much time left. And the process of selecting senators will take place after not more than 60 days. Therefore, giving knowledge Creating awareness among the people It is considered an important matter. If all sectors can work together It would be a good thing. The President of the Election Commission said that at this time there are no precautions. Because nothing has yet happened that we should be careful of and we have to slowly look at the facts. Because the Election Commission has legal duties. Make the selection of senators honest and fair. Therefore, to think about something first without revealing the facts It is very inappropriate. When asked if there was an effort to make the candidate understand that he had the backing of a political party. Is it considered an offense according to the Act on the acquisition of senators? Mr. Itthiphon said that Section 77 has already prescribed the punishment. As for whether it will lead to the dissolution of the party or not, we are not sure yet. It is clear that this is an election by the people. which is the reason for organizing t he selection by the people Because there used to be elections that were based on political parties. and a canvasser was used So whatever which is not an application process or application process by oneself It is considered a risk of breaking the law. As for those who are party members and executive committee members of political parties who can apply, must there be a 5-year gap or not? Mr. Itthiphon said that there must be a 5-year gap, but former senators who will join together will send candidates. can't do it 'Only the senators themselves cannot apply. which the integration will be even more considered as not being independent and the Act on the Acquisition of Senators that provides selection in this system for the first time. It is to prevent interference from political parties. Therefore, whatever intervenes It risks violating the law,' Mr. Itthiphon said. When asked whether the Progressive Committee that is working on local elections can have candidates selected to be senators, the Election Commissi on president reiterated that they cannot be tied together. Because it is for interested citizens to apply. Therefore, please adhere to this word. While the Election Commission's inspection There is no need for anyone to submit a request. If there is the fact that there is an action that is considered or may be a violation of the law. The Election Commission can set up investigations on its own. When asked repeatedly, The selection of senators in the past The Election Commission set a target of 100,000 applicants, but only 7,000 actually came. So, what policy will the Election Commission have to proceed in order to meet that target? Mr. Itthiphon said that at that time he himself said that there would be 100,000 applicants. It was calculated based on the application method and the results that would be obtained from each district, groups of 3 people, but the fact that it came out found that there were not many applicants. Not interesting Not exciting 'At this time, the target number is 100,000 people because it is a full selection. It is not a transitional chapter. Those who are selected will be chosen at all, unlike in 2018 where there was only one round of selection. When there were 200 names at the provincial level, they had to send them to the NCPO to select another 50 people. Therefore, the election factors are the same as this time. Completely different Therefore, we hope that the number of 100,000 people is not too much, not too little. In this regard, it is emphasized that the selection of senators this time There are still the same prohibitions on campaigning,' Mr. Itthiphon said. As for the former deputy secretary-general of the Election Commission, he confirmed that the 2018 Senate election was the quietest election in the world. Whether this time will be the same or not, Mr. Itthiphon said that last time it was not the quietest in the world. If we say that it is the quietest in the world We have to know whether there are senators who are quieter than us in this world. But actually the Election Commis sion tries to spread the news and publicize it as much as possible. But the interest of the people at that time was not as great as we expected. Source: Thai News Agency