Preparing to submit the case of “Am Cyanide” to the prosecutor next week.

Bangkok, June 8 – "Big Joke" meets with the Chief Prosecutor General to discuss the "Am Cyanide" case, preparing to submit the case next week. with case "Deputy of - Attorney Patch"

Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, Deputy Commissioner of the National Police traveled to meet with Mr. Preecha Suksa-nguan, Director-General of the Criminal Case Office Office of the Attorney General and the prosecutor in the working group on the Am Cyanide case to discuss the investigation of the case It takes about 30 minutes to finish by Pol. Gen. Surachet. Come down to give an interview to the media who are waiting in the area below the Attorney General's office that the meeting with the Chief Prosecutor General today It is a discussion to plan for Am Cyanide's case to be concise, prudent and concise in terms of timeliness. Procedure for consideration of idioms to be able to order cases quickly Because every time, the investigating officer will send the case to the prosecutor. It takes up the detention period until the 5th stir or the 6th stir, which will affect the prosecutor who has too little time to check the rhetoric.

Initially, from today's talk, it was learned that the Director-General of Public Prosecutors had ordered the establishment of a special working group of prosecutors to work in this case. In order to speed up the investigation of the prosecutor's case and on the part of investigators It is expected that all 15 cases, divided into 14 murder cases and one case of attempted murder, will be sent to the prosecutor within the next week. Directing and close lawyers

After this, when Am Cyanide's case was sent to the prosecutor The police will expand the action on online gambling sites where Am is involved as a player. including the cyanide drug which initially had to be dealt with with the factory and officials of the Department of Factory involved in neglect until causing more damage

The Deputy Commissioner of the National Police further confirmed that for Am, the maximum punishment that must be received this time is the death penalty, since there are different offenses committed on different occasions, on different charges, and many charges have been reported. which cannot yet be confirmed Will there be as many as 80 reported charges as reported by the media? because I can't remember have to go back and check first But definitely got dozens of charges The maximum penalty is the death penalty. Unless the accused will go to confession or trial. The penalty will again be at the discretion of the court.

On the part of the lawyer Initially, at this time, it was confirmed that there was no involvement in the death of the victim. In which the charge still continues in the case of jointly destroying evidence in the case which the action after the case has been sent to the prosecutor The police will write a letter to the Lawyers Council. to reconsider lawyer etiquette – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency