Prime Minister discusses Thai-Myanmar border situation

Kanchanaburi, Prime Minister holds security meeting. Discussing the Thai-Myanmar border situation, customs checkpoints thank you for strengthening forces to stop illegal rubber. Watch the army gild the back of the Buddha image. Always helping the people, drawing a line of 90 days to end the drug problem. Catch large and small traders to pieces, saying that if they sell 1 pill, half a pill, they will all be caught. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, along with his delegation, traveled to the 9th Infantry Division, Lat Ya Subdistrict, Mueang Kanchanaburi District. Kanchanaburi Province with Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense, General Natthaphon Nakapanin, Secretary to the Minister of Defense, along with General Sanitchanok Sangkhachan, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence. come to welcome This point was a meeting to discuss the Thai-Myanmar border security situation, customs checkpoints, and migrant workers. The Prime Minister said that this was the second time he had visited Kanchanabur i Province. Thank you to the provincial governor. Everyone has followed the work closely from the last work order until progress has been made. Especially the issuance of land rights documents. The old one has been outstanding since 1938, when the land problem was a continuous problem. That makes villagers unable to ask for water or electricity. And thanks to the army for dividing the soldiers' land for the people to farm. I would like to ask you not to stop here and to consider other areas further. Ready to thank the army who have brought in equipment to help with droughts and floods They have gilded the Buddha image for a long time. You have done an excellent job. As for the travel plan of Kanchanaburi Province Still missing the issue of per capita spending. and increasing the duration of tourism in the area Because of the purpose That is, they want tourists to come spend more money in the area and stay more nights. This will bring a lot of benefits to the people in the area, whether in the tourism sector. Hotel industry, shops, restaurants For transportation Today, a temporary motorway has been opened, making travel between Bangkok and Kanchanaburi more convenient. And transportation also contributes to making the province more prosperous. Going to meet each other within the country or along the border with neighboring countries will affect border trade. As for agriculture It is important whether it is rice or new crops with high potential such as durian for export. Focus on making a living that is legal. and protect Thai farmers, such as water management What is considered important is that Kanchanaburi Province has 3 dams. It is believed that there will be no problem with water shortages and everything depends on water management. Using modern technology to calculate and forecast. The Prime Minister also discussed the situation along the border. By thanking the security department, including the military police Administrative agency dedicated to working Because it affects the lives and livelihoods of the people quite a lot. We are very good at strengthening our forces along the border. Make the smuggler change Route from Sangkhla Buri Kanchanaburi Province Including the border with Mae Sot, Tak Province, and knowing that it is now beginning to enter Ranong Province, he therefore asks the army to help take action because closing the border to prevent illegal rubber from entering has resulted in the price of rubber in the country increasing. While the drug problem I believe we did a good job and caught as many as 3-4 times as many. But the sad thing is that the price per pill hasn't gone up. It shows that there is still a lot of supply coming in. He admitted that it was a headache, so he asked the military, police, and administrative agencies to help work harder. To be consistent with what we announced. The drug problem is a national agenda. To have concrete results within 90 days, causing the drug to disappear. Deal with large traders Minorities are completely eliminated. and successfully treat drug-addicted children and grandchildren together 'Confirm it. It will be 1 and a half tablets. If there is an intention to sell it, they'll catch it all. This matter is confirmed. Except he was a drug addict and surrendered. considered a patient I'm going to get treatment. This is a matter that is our main policy. What we have done is this is an important matter and another matter,' the Prime Minister stated. While the matter of border trade We have developed transportation. Investing tens of thousands or hundreds of billions to reduce the time needed to transport goods across borders. One wants it to be a One Stop Service, testing it for the Customs Department to pilot. and push for success within September. In line with the development of infrastructure at the same time. Kan. Source: Thai News Agency