PTT moves into logistics business Help the country reduce costs

Bangkok: PTT moves into logistics business through GML, aiming to increase the country's competitiveness and reduce transportation costs. Starting with the rail system and connect every transportation Hope the government sector will solve the obstacles. Set a revenue target for 2024 of not less than 1.5 billion baht, expected to reach 6 billion baht in 5 years. Mr. Chansak Chomchom, Executive Vice President of Engineering and Infrastructure, PTT Public Company Limited and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Global Multimodal Logistics Company Limited (GML), revealed that in 2024, GML will work with partners to increase the volume. Rail transport will increase with a target of exporting 5,000 containers. After 2023, the company joins with partners to trial sending products to China such as durian, rubber, rice. and plastic pellets, more than 400 containers, with a margin of hundreds of millions of baht. Therefore, it will increase the transportation of livestock products even more. In consultation with Chine se officials To solve the problem of shrimp product inspection equipment and chicken along with it At the same time, the infrastructure potential and transportation problems in both Thailand and the ASEAN region were studied. To compile proposals for the government to solve logistics problems, if within 1-2 years the government can eliminate obstacles that are congesting the entire customs system. and bridges across the Mekong River that can be used with trucks, such as opening the checkpoint 24 hours or dividing running times, such as trucks running during the day. As for trains running in the morning and evening, including the need to increase the number of staff involved in various procedures to be sufficient. It will make the transportation of goods more convenient. GML was established in response to the government policy focusing on connecting all transportation network systems in Thailand. international connection Including transporting goods by rail, sea, land and air, warehouse management, cold stora ge, including management and rental of movable assets and real estate related to the logistics business. To increase competitive potential Reduce logistics costs for entrepreneurs. At present, Thailand has logistics costs Transportation per unit relative to GDP is 13-14%, valued at 2.4 trillion baht, and relies on road transportation for more than 85%. Therefore, if logistics costs can be reduced by 1%, capital expenditures can be reduced by 240 billion. baht 'In 2024, if 5,000 containers of goods are transported, income from transportation will be approximately 1,500 million baht and a 5-year plan goal is to have income from transportation of approximately 5,000 -6,000 million baht, only by rail transport. But if in the future there is additional air transport It is expected that income will double. The proportion of revenue from rail transport will be 40% and air transport will be 60%, but on the basis that the government must first remove obstacles to open the door to air freight transport,' Mr. Chansak s aid. Mr. Chansak emphasizes air freight. It is also an important channel for Thailand to expand trade routes. Connecting the transport of goods through the airline system and the rail system. To promote being a logistics hub and Thailand has the advantage of the location of Suvarnabhumi Airport. That will not be difficult to make Thailand a center for product distribution. But there are still obstacles, such as the matter of the Free Trade Zone area, which the study found that There are still many areas that need to be revised, such as regulations related to border crossing protocols or customs procedures related to various ministries. To facilitate various airlines Come to use Thai airports as a base for transporting goods to other countries. GML has discussed and collaborated with Thai Airways International Company and Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) and partners to work together to upgrade the Thai Airways 'warehouse' to a 100% automation system. After concluding the joint investment gui delines which may What format will it be? And how much investment budget must be set will be presented to the PTT board for further consideration. GML currently invests in logistics in China. Through cooperation with a partner, Pan-Asia Shield Road Company Limited (PAS), with a cooperation agreement or MOUs with government agencies in various cities in China Using the Laos-China railway route Started transporting goods to "Guangzhou", "Zhengzhou", "Kunming" and "Chengdu", a total of 5 cities with a total population of over 1,000 million people, accounting for approximately 3/4 of the population. China and currently there are many other cities that are gradually making MOUs together. .511 . Source: Thai News Agency