Ready to support digital Wallet if you don’t violate the law.

Government House, Ministry of Interior 1 orders strict inspection of entertainment venues. If any area breaks the law. must be responsible Revealed that he still does not know the opinion of the decree regarding digital wallet loans, but is ready to support it if it does not violate the constitution. Emphasizing that the relationship with the coalition parties is still strong, there are still no talks about cabinet adjustments. Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Referring to the case of ordering the Department of Provincial Administration to inspect entertainment venues in the Rangsit area. Pathum Thani Province in the operating name "Rangsit is very bad" on the night of January 6th, saying that we must go to the area to inspect continuously. Like I've said all along, there must be no drug issues. Youth under 20 years of age are prohibited from using the service. and must be free of weapons legalize 'In the case of inspecting entertainment venues in the Rangsit area Pat hum Thani Province Last Saturday night It was found that 500 young people under 20 years of age were using the service. It was not a secret service. and entertainment venues can provide services But you must have a legal license. In this case, there is no license. and also secretly selling alcohol to youths under 20 years of age, which has been committed in many cases. However, in such cases, youths will not be prosecuted. Because it is related to the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection But the business operators will be prosecuted,' said the Minister of Interior. Mr. Anutin said that when going to inspect each entertainment venue, it is not possible to go in and inspect it all of a sudden. Because if you go in, it will disturb tourists. You must be sure that the place in question is actually breaking the law. along with strictly instructing officials regarding treatment of youths Do not use violence, intimidation, and absolutely must not use violence. Because not everyone is at fault. Overall, various entertainment venues cooperate well. After this, we will coordinate and instruct relevant agencies to strictly inspect entertainment venues. Ready to notify the Director-General of the Department of Provincial Administration to closely monitor If in any area there is a violation of the law That area is responsible. As for the news of the Council of State commenting on the government's inquiry into the issuance of a 500 billion baht loan bill to implement the digital wallet project, Mr. Anutin said that the details were not yet known. But as a coalition government party Ready to support government policy If the process is legal and does not violate the constitution Mr. Anutin mentioned the case where the commercial banking business made a profit of more than 220 billion while the overall economy of the country was in a depressed state, saying that every business operation must have a profit. The bank does not make a profit from charging interest to customers alone. But there are also profits from inv estments, from currency values, etc. Financial activities must be considered profitable. which is one guarantee that Thailand is stable 'If the bank loses money, it will affect the country first. Meanwhile, if A profitable bank means that the bank collects interest. Shows that the customer has the ability to repay the debt. which is still considered okay Don't use your feelings, you have to really look at the numbers. You have to look at which numbers are used to measure the economic stability of the country,' said the Minister of Interior. Mr. Anutin said he had arranged for the leaders and leaders of the coalition parties to have lunch to discuss various matters, originally scheduled for January 25, but the Prime Minister was on an urgent mission. Therefore the appointment must be postponed. After this, the Prime Minister will make another appointment. Then he invited every party leader. The Secretary-General of the Prime Minister will be the inviter, with the Bhumjaithai Party being the host, not the hos t. It's a matter of taking turns. When asked if there had been any discussion about reshuffling the Cabinet, Mr. Anutin, as the leader of the Bhumijai Thai Party, said no, he had not discussed this matter yet. I think the Prime Minister has a better understanding of how the parliamentary system works. And this government is now stable. Confident that the coalition parties will support the Prime Minister's policies. From now on, let's help support the success of various government policies. which will be beneficial to the country When asked to emphasize whether the relationship between the coalition parties is still strong or not. Mr. Anutin smiled and said I don't want to show pictures. Someone hugged my neck yesterday. Source: Thai News Agency