Reiterates “Democrat Party” abstains from voting, still not talking about joining the government

Chaichana' praises 'Pheu Thai' for sending a new generation to be PM, but 'Democrat' confirms the party's resolution to abstain from voting, has not yet spoken about joining the government, currently in the opposition, said to wait and see after there was news of Digital Wallet being defeated, declined to answer whether the establishment of the Chan Song La government had any problems, but believes that someone will go ask the independent organization themselves. Mr. Chaichana Dechacho, MP for Nakhon Si Thammarat, Democrat Party, and a friend who studied in the same class as Ms. Paethongtarn at the Mini National Defense College, spoke about the case of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, leader of the Pheu Thai Party, who is only 37 years old, being nominated as Prime Minister, saying that people who have all the qualifications according to Section 98 and Section 160 and are the Pheu Thai Party's prime ministerial candidates follow the law and there are no problems. Another way is that it is a good thing that Thai society is open to the new generation to come and administer the country. When asked if former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra would have a role in Ms. Paethongtarn, Mr. Chaichana said that this matter must be asked of Mr. Thaksin himself. He could not answer, but it must be admitted that in the announcement of the formation of the government yesterday, Mr. Thaksin was not there. As for the question of whether there would be any problems with the government formation discussions at Ban Chan Sung La, which at that time did not include Ms. Paethongtarn, Mr. Chaichana said that this matter must be looked at in terms of the law. He could not answer for them and had to see what would be done after this. However, he personally believed that after this, someone would go ask an organization that could answer this matter. After this, how will the Democrat Party position itself in its work? Mr. Chaichana said that we have to look at the policy statement. For any matter that the Pheu Thai Party has announced as a p olicy, we have to ask about it. Importantly, we have to perform our duty of inspecting the executive branch. When asked what decision he would make if he was approached to join the government, Mr. Chaichana said that it is not yet time. Right now, he is still in the opposition and has not been approached. He also confirmed that today, 25 votes of the Democrat Party will abstain from voting for the prime minister, which is considered a party resolution. When asked further that as the opposition, how did he view the government's risk factors, Mr. Chaichana said that he thought about whether it would be able to solve the economic problems or not. If it could be solved, that would be okay. As for the news that the digital wallet would be dropped, Mr. Chaichana said that we would have to wait and see because at this time, he had not said whether it would be suspended or not. Therefore, we would have to wait and hear first. Source: Thai News Agency