Responds to director’s reservations about chair – orders investigation to know results in 7 days

Roi Et, OBEC orders investigation - transfer of school director after chat criticizes female teacher for sitting in her own chair. Said he was very sorry that the teacher behaved like this. The female teacher opened up and told about the incident. In the case of a school teacher in Roi Et Province Post pictures in chat messages The teacher talked to the school director by writing in the headline: Salary assessment today at the insurance room Then I accidentally sat in the director's chair because I gave it to him to sit in and he didn't sit. You go sit in a normal chair. The highlight of this story is that the director said he felt so sorry that his arms and legs were weak. and the teacher apologized Ready to express responsibility by buying a new chair, but the director replied that it was no problem, the school would buy it itself. After this post was shared. Many people are curious. Which chair? The young teacher came out to explain. The chair that I sat in was an issue. It is the chair in the educatio nal quality assurance room. This room is for meetings. Or welcome guests who come to contact the government. (There will be a black chair (I'm the president.) I got to sit because I was the person who facilitated the opening of the VTR for the teachers to show on TV. And it's in front. I didn't sit in the director's personal chair in the director's room, including another post. Along with a picture of the problem black chair: This black chair. When it's time for the appointment to evaluate the salary, the director will walk in. I hurriedly got up and brought a chair for him to sit on. He said that he would not sit. This latest event Second Lieutenant Thanu Wongchinda, secretary-general of the Basic Education Commission, confirmed that OBEC is not complacent. Recently, we have coordinated with the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1 and have ordered Director of Legal and Litigation Group Establish a fact-finding investigative committee Including an order for the school director to perform o fficial duties in the area. From Monday, March 18, so as not to hinder the investigation. including providing fairness to all parties Fact investigation section Emphasize that a conclusion must be reached within 7 days. Meanwhile, a reporter goes to try and spy on a school that is in the middle of a scandal. Today the school is closed because it is a holiday. But because there are people in the school He took the reporter to see the Educational Health Insurance building that has the chairs of The director is placed here. Along with pointing out the board with the names of administrators, the school director, and teachers in the school, he said that the teacher who posted the name was Teacher Meow. I teach in Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2. I just moved here less than 4 months ago. As for the villagers in that area, they gave information that see the work of The director called it acceptable. But what is not like other directors is that since this director moved There is often money raised or rice raised to be used in some school activities. which the villagers even disagreed with But he didn't say anything. Because the children and grandchildren are studying in school. Including saying that he doesn't know what's causing the drama right now. Is it true? But when I saw it, I felt uncomfortable. Because it's just a matter of chairs. It's a small incident. That shouldn't have to be taken seriously. Or has it escalated to this much? However, the reporter tried to contact the school director to clarify the facts. But I called many times. The director didn't answer the phone. As for Teacher Meow, she answered the phone and said that this incident happened live yesterday (March 15). The director asked the teachers to make one VTR of their work, one clip each, to be used to evaluate their salary, and this VTR was given to them. Come open in the educational quality assurance room. which is a room used to receive guests from the school Inside there will be a long table. and many chairs There is also a black armchair for the president at the head of the table. Teacher Meow has the duty to collect everyone's files and open them. By connecting the laptop to the TV screen So he went to sit in the black armchair at the head of the table. In order to check the video and audio files to see if they could be opened or not, at that time the director went up to his own room on the 2nd floor, so Teacher Meow sat and checked the files, and when the director came down, Teacher Meow got up. Then he gave the problematic black chair to the director to sit on, but the director said, "Don't sit" before walking to sit on an ordinary chair in the room. Teacher Meow didn't think anything of it and showed everyone's VTRs until they were complete. and dispersed, but it appeared that at 5:00 p.m., when they were about to return home Teacher Meow heard it. The director said to one of the teachers that Teacher Meow was behaving inappropriately. who went to sit in the director's chair, but at that time Teacher Meow thought there might be nothing and went home until he saw the director's line pop up in the school group. He scolded Teacher Meow for sitting in the director's chair. Teacher Meow saw it and typed an apology according to the chat that appeared on social media. There was a moment when the director of Chat told another teacher to go buy it. Or borrow a new chair on Monday. Teacher Meow saw that the story was caused by himself. and saw that the school had no money So he wrote to express his responsibility that he would give money to buy a new chair, but the director replied that it was okay. and said he would buy it with his own money Teacher Meow said I think the matter is probably over. So he contacted the private Line to apologize to the director again, admitting that he was very distressed, depressed, and cried and regretted what had happened. In the end, I got a chat capture on Line to share. Express your feelings on your own Facebook page. When my girlfriend came and saw that I was crying I took a screenshot of the message and posted i t. When the director saw the post, he chatted to me and said, "It's okay. This chair is old and damaged." After seeing the director's message, Teacher Meow didn't answer any more until the director posted the message on the school group's Line. and call Line But Teacher Meow didn't receive it. because it was intended to be Monday It was the first day of school and I would apologize in front of the director and ask how I would take responsibility. However, Teacher Meow emphasized that This chair It's just a lounge chair. It's not the director's chair. Normally, no matter who comes, they come and sit, causing them to not understand. Why is it such a big deal to sit in this chair? Source: Thai News Agency