“Santhiya” submits to the President of the National Assembly to oppose the acceptance of the draft amendment to the Constitution on ethics issues.

‘Sonthiya’ submits to the President of the Parliament to oppose the acceptance of the draft amendment to the constitution, the ethics issue of the Pheu Thai Party and the people, pointing out that it violates the rights of the people who have approved it, more than 16 million people, and the 2 parties have the most ethical problems, fearing that if it is accepted, it will definitely cause division.

Mr. Sonthiya Sawasdee, former advisor to the chairman of the House of Representatives’ Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice and Human Rights, submitted a letter to the President of the National Assembly through Mr. Jessada Anukunphokarat, commander of the Political Coordination and Complaint Receiving Group, Office of the President of the House of Representatives, to consider and decide not to accept the draft amendment to the 2017 Constitution of the Pheu Thai Party and the Prachachon Party or other political parties by exercising the rights according to the provisions of the Constitution, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, Section 41 (1) (2) in conjunction with Section 50. He is also considered a stakeholder as one of the 16 million people who accepted this draft constitution through a referendum and is the person who filed a serious ethics investigation with the NACC of 44 former MPs of the Move Forward Party.

Mr. Sonthiya also saw that the 2017 Constitution has been in effect for more than 7 years. Those who proposed amendments to ethics or various sections, whether the Pheu Thai Party or the Prachachon Party, have already used this Constitution. In addition, the Pheu Thai Party and the Prachachon Party have used the mechanisms of this Constitution to investigate the government and the qualifications of General Prayut Chan-o-cha, the former Prime Minister, which led to the suspension of his duties. The petition for the President of the National Assembly to consider and decide not to accept the case of requesting amendments to ethics or qualifications of those who have been sued or have various problems is because the Pheu Thai Party and the Prachachon Party are the 2 parties with the most ethical problems and have been the most problematic by the ethical process.

In addition, Mr. Sonthin also cited more than 10 reasons, such as that MPs are about to violate the rights and freedoms of the people who voted to approve this draft constitution, more than 16 million people, and noted that it would support the erosion and undermining of the monarchy, which is the main institution of the country, which the security law and general law cannot be used as a crime, as the case of 44 MPs from the former Move Forward Party had done. It is also a prediction of the legitimacy of the election selection system for people who are good people who do not cheat or sell drugs. In addition, the Pheu Thai Party had campaigned not to accept the referendum draft of the 2017 constitution, which is an action that is not in accordance with the constitution and lacks legitimacy, ethics, and morality in the administration of the country by MPs who colluded to amend the law for their own group and themselves. At the same time, it is also inconsistent with the royal address of King Rama IX, who stated
that good people must be promoted to govern the country without allowing bad people to govern the country. The number of people who supported the Pheu Thai Party and the Prachachon Party amending the constitution is an action of the MPs who signed up, which is an action that is contrary to Section 114 of the Constitution concerns conflicts of interest that are created for the benefit of political parties and those who violate laws and ethics in order to enter government positions where the people do not get anything.

Mr. Sonthiya also saw that urgent problems at the moment, such as Thai household debt, which is the 9th highest in the world, national debt with a budget surplus, and high prices throughout the country, why don’t MPs work together to solve the problem of the declining economy? He emphasized that if the constitution is amended, it will be considered that the members of parliament, both MPs and Senators, are defrauding the Thai people who accept this draft law, and it is against the constitution because it may cause division. He is confident that whenever the draft is proposed and accepted in the parliament, division will definitely occur.

Source: Thai News Agency