“Senator Patima” regrets if “Move Forward” is dissolved

Parliament, "Senator Patima" regrets if "Move Forward" is dissolved, points out that it is a quality opposition, supports not wanting to dissolve - merge the committee, vows to work hard Senator Patima Jirapaet said he was glad that today's meeting was not dissolved after news broke last week that a draft motion would be considered to dissolve or cancel the special committee to uphold and protect the monarchy. Senators agreed that we must protect and uphold the monarchy. Mr. Patima also revealed that the senators will probably follow up on the matter of whether or not to dissolve the Move Forward Party, which he personally wants the consideration process to be fair to the Move Forward Party because he personally sees the work of the Move Forward Party, which has performed as a high-quality opposition party in debates or in proposing various motions. He admits that it would be a pity if there were no such high-quality opposition party. As for what I think should be changed, the number of 200 senators is le ss than the previous 250, but everyone is committed to serving the people. Therefore, I would like to change the idea that the number of 200 members must reduce the number of committees, which I see as contradictory because I think we have a plan for working hard. In the previous group with 250 members, there were still 22 committees, so I would like all senators, including the president and vice president of the Senate, to fully consider how many committees we need this time. Ready to confirm that he and all senators are ready to work hard for the people. And ask those who proposed to dissolve or merge the committees whether it will be a burden in performing their duties or not. Source: Thai News Agency

“Senator Patima” regrets if “Move Forward” is dissolved

Parliament, "Senator Patima" regrets if "Move Forward" is dissolved, points out that it is a quality opposition, supports not wanting to dissolve - merge the committee, vows to work hard Senator Patima Jirapaet said he was glad that today's meeting was not dissolved after news broke last week that a draft motion would be considered to dissolve or cancel the special committee to uphold and protect the monarchy. Senators agreed that we must protect and uphold the monarchy. Mr. Patima also revealed that the senators will probably follow up on the matter of whether or not to dissolve the Move Forward Party, which he personally wants the consideration process to be fair to the Move Forward Party because he personally sees the work of the Move Forward Party, which has performed as a high-quality opposition party in debates or in proposing various motions. He admits that it would be a pity if there were no such high-quality opposition party. As for what I think should be changed, the number of 200 senators is le ss than the previous 250, but everyone is committed to serving the people. Therefore, I would like to change the idea that the number of 200 members must reduce the number of committees, which I see as contradictory because I think we have a plan for working hard. In the previous group with 250 members, there were still 22 committees, so I would like all senators, including the president and vice president of the Senate, to fully consider how many committees we need this time. Ready to confirm that he and all senators are ready to work hard for the people. And ask those who proposed to dissolve or merge the committees whether it will be a burden in performing their duties or not. Source: Thai News Agency