Set up a committee to investigate the “district chief” who assaulted his girlfriend, causing her ribs to break.

Surin, A 41-year-old woman is taking legal action against her boyfriend, a district officer, for physically assaulting her until her ribs were broken. The district chief has ordered an investigation committee to be set up. Ms. Som, 41, the victim of the CCTV clip, came to complain to reporters after her boyfriend, who is the district chief of Sangkha District, Surin Province, assaulted her. The incident occurred at 11:00 p.m. on June 17. In some parts of the clip, the victim can be seen naked and trying to snatch the car keys, but her boyfriend is not happy and slaps and kicks her. At times, the perpetrator holds a knife and smashes a guitar and destroys property in the house. After the incident, Ms. Som went to file a complaint against her boyfriend at Sangkha Police Station for assault, injury, and property damage. Confirmed to take legal action against the "district chief" after being assaulted multiple times Ms. Som said that before the incident, she was drinking with her boyfriend. During that time, s he saw her boyfriend chatting with someone else, so she asked him what he was talking about and who. However, her boyfriend was not happy, so they argued. Before that, he physically attacked her, both by beating her and kicking her body. After that, her boyfriend left the house. She went to close the door. Not long after, her boyfriend came back again. He kicked the door and smashed the bedroom door to hurt her again. At that time, she was getting ready to take a shower. In addition, her boyfriend took her son's guitar and smashed it, holding a knife and a stick, and a gun in his bag. Out of fear, she ran out of the bedroom to snatch the car keys that her boyfriend had taken, which resulted in the scene in the clip. She asked her son to call the police to come and stop the incident. She went to the hospital for a checkup, where they found 2 broken ribs and multiple bruises. Throughout the time she had been dating her boyfriend since March, about 3-4 months, she had been physically assaulted the whole time. Af ter the news broke, he contacted her via chat and threatened to hurt her again. Therefore, she decided not to talk to her boyfriend anymore and would take legal action to the fullest extent of the law. The agency has set up a committee to investigate the "district chief" who assaulted his girlfriend. The latest is that the Sangkha District Chief has set up a committee to investigate the wrongdoing and has summoned him to meet to clarify the facts, but he has not yet come. There has only been a phone conversation. As for disciplinary action, there will be another discussion with the commanding officer and the results of the investigation committee will have to be awaited to determine whether he will be suspended or transferred. Source: Thai News Agency