“Settha” emphasizes accelerating solutions to the problem of children dropping out of the education system

Ministry of Education, "Settha" held a meeting with the heads of government agencies at the ministry level, emphasizing the need to move forward in solving the problem of children dropping out of the education system, helping to instill hatred for drugs in students, and suggesting that the reward money be divided into 2 parts to create motivation for officials to work. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, chaired the 2nd/2024 meeting of the heads of ministerial departments or equivalent at the Ratchawallop Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Ratchawallop Building, attended by the heads of ministerial departments or equivalent. Mr. Settha opened the meeting by saying that this was the 2nd meeting as previously announced. Today's topic would like to discuss education and supplement it with security, including drug problems. Mr. Settha then listened to a presentation of information, roles, missions, and important performance results, including educational missions, security missions (border areas and drug problems), and other missions. After listening to the presentation of the data, the Prime Minister asked to emphasize education from primary level, including solving the problem of children dropping out of the education system. The measure to drive Thailand to solve the problem of children and youth out of the education system to become zero or Thailand Zero Dropout is a good thing. The government is ready to fully support it. Please drive and work continuously. And ask the agencies of the Ministry of Education to work together. As for drugs, from the data, there is no widespread spread in schools. If we do not mention e-cigarettes, please help instill hatred of drugs in children consistently, including creating knowledge and understanding of the dangers and harms of drugs. While online gambling, call centers, and drugs are considered security threats, relevant government agencies must help the people. Please consider this an important mission, especially drugs, which is a problem that His Majesty the King is very concern ed about. The government has increased various measures to solve the problem, whether it be treatment, creating a network of cooperation among all sectors, including measures to prevent drugs from entering the border. Please be especially careful about this. For officials, please be ready to work and support the situation. Please do not be careless. Equipment must be in good condition. Mr. Settha added that regarding the reward money for drug arrests, he understood that there were still many agencies that were arguing about the distribution of the reward money. From what he had talked with commanders in various agencies, such as the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, the Royal Thai Army, and the Royal Thai Police, he requested that the reward money from drug arrests be distributed in accordance with the law, as clearly agreed upon. Most of the reward money would be paid when the case was closed. Some people who had retired had not yet received the reward money. He requested that 30% be paid when an arres t was made, and the remaining 70% be paid when the case was closed, in order to create an incentive for them to perform their duties. This is considered the main goal of the government's work to solve the drug problem and completely eradicate it. Last week, I ordered the Anti-Money Laundering Office to seize assets. Please expedite and promptly proceed. If in doubt, please seize them first. The duty of proving the facts is the duty of the person whose assets have been seized to come and explain. As for security, there are currently many problems. I would like the security agencies to work together seriously, especially the problem of aliens spreading along the border and the problem of ethnic groups. I would like to ask the Ministry of Interior to look into this matter. If this group of people has all the qualifications to receive various rights, please expedite the process so that this group of people receive the rights specified in the law as soon as possible. Please do not bring this into politics. It is a right that everyone should receive, whether it is education or public health. Please adhere to equality as the main principle. Do not allow inequality. Do not reject first. Please instruct the officials to take care of and facilitate everything to the fullest. In terms of online gambling and call centers, coordination with foreign countries is very important. I have spoken with the Cambodian Prime Minister and understand that the National Police Agency has already coordinated on the cutting off of the large number of call center networks along the border. It is considered good coordination. I would like to see clear monitoring. As for the issue of Chinese gray capital, the Prime Minister emphasized that we do not despise foreigners who come to do business, but we despise illegal businessmen. He asked officials and security forces not to be complacent and to continue to strictly enforce the law. After the meeting lasted about 1 hour, the Prime Minister immediately went to continue his duties without giving any interviews to the media. Source: Thai News Agency