Settha explains many matters to the council. Thank you for the advice from members of parliament.

The Prime Minister rose to thank the advice of members of Parliament. Clarifying many matters, emphasizing amendments to the Constitution that do not touch sections 1-2, confirming that there will still be a 4 km radius for digital currencies, but will consider expanding to some remote areas. Points out that it will be needed within 6 months to stimulate the economy in the short term. Set an average economic growth target of 5% per year for 4 years, vowing not to cancel the state welfare card.

At 5:33 p.m. today (September 11, 2023) Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, rose to give an explanation for the first time of the day. Thanking all opinions from members of parliament who provided advice to the government. In implementing policy, the government will adhere to the interests of the people. And the people of this government cover all groups, including city people, people from the provinces, and people of all statuses, including government officials. equally and thoroughly

The Prime Minister also confirmed to provide clarity on the policy of amending the Constitution. that section one and section two will not be revised Concerning the monarchy which will maintain democratic government with the King as Head of State

As for the suspension of farmers' debts Did you know that in the past 9 years, there have been 13 debt suspensions? Even though many people protested that Debt suspension is not a sustainable solution. But we are well aware Therefore, there are many measures to increase income, such as increasing farmers' income 3 times within 4 years by using lead markets. Additional innovations increase income along with debt relief. To enable farmers to breathe Open your eyes and mouth It's a time to rejuvenate yourself. and have encouragement to solve problems Do your job with honor and dignity. This debt suspension will be more beneficial than debt suspension in the past 9 years.

As for the 4 kilometers of digital wallet policy, the Prime Minister said that we are aware that rural areas may not have enough stores. Therefore, I would like to go see the details and carry out the work appropriately according to the recommendations of the members. As for the duration of use, 6 months, this matter is necessary. We want to stimulate the economy in the short term. In order to stimulate the economy in a big way, therefore, the timing of the use of this money is something that we attach great importance to.

For the case where some people say Want to cancel the use of the 4 kilometer radius. The Prime Minister said that the regional economy needs stimulation. People who reside in which province? You should go back and use it there. which has up to 6 months to go back and visit relatives Makes the family institution stronger. Therefore, the 4 kilometers according to the national ID card would like to be maintained. Except that some areas may need to be expanded.

The Prime Minister further said that he will push for more tourism. which will quickly stimulate the economy And our government has many plans. Whether it is a visa exemption to enter Thailand for some countries which is currently in process Tourism is a short-term economic stimulus. to bring money into the country Make the tourism sector grow again Aiming to generate income of approximately 3 trillion baht/year.

And there were many questions about the minimum wage. The Prime Minister stated that it should be adjusted as soon as possible. We aim to make the economy grow by an average of 5% per year over 4 years, which will bring wages up to 600 baht/day. Bachelor's degree 25,000 baht/month.

As for energy costs, it is a matter that the brothers and sisters attach great importance to. And it is something that we are well aware of. Reducing energy costs is important. We are confident that we can significantly lower energy prices. By assigning the relevant minister to explain further.

The Prime Minister also confirmed that state welfare cards that are beneficial to the people are still available.

As for natural resources that must be allocated so that people can have land to make a living Must look at both ALRO land and land of other government agencies. through appropriate formats Make the brothers have land to farm with dignity

As for water in the EEC, the Prime Minister said that it is the duty of the government to take appropriate care of it in every aspect. Water management is appropriate for the agricultural sector. industrial sector consumption and maintain the balance of the ecosystem

While solving the PM 2.5 dust problem, the Prime Minister stated that in another 5 months the northern region will enter a crisis. We will start doing it soon. To see results within the beginning of the year Work on areas that do not require a large investment, then develop other areas gradually within the limits of your budget.

Before the Prime Minister concluded by addressing the issue of corruption, he confirmed that the government places importance on transparency. The digital system will be used more. to reduce corruption Misconduct. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency