Settha is happy after PM 2.5 dust levels in Chiang Mai improved. Asks all parties to cooperate.

Chiang Mai, "Seththa" is delighted after the PM 2.5 dust level in Chiang Mai has improved. Asks all parties to cooperate in moving forward. Praise the city governor of Chiang Mai for being a super governor who coordinates well but is not complacent, accepting that Bangkok is still in serious trouble and is ready to submit plans for the Air Management Act. to the administrative court Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Gave an interview about the weather conditions and PM 2.5 dust levels in Chiang Mai province improving after various agencies Work together to solve problems in an integrated manner That same morning, when I looked at the details, the number was 12 and it was green. But I'm not complacent. Because if you compare it to the same time period as last year, it was much better. Before boarding the plane, he met soldiers, police, and the governor of Chiang Mai Province. who is considered a super governor All coordinated well. But if you need anything, please tell me. Let's wor k together to work and love each other. No matter how hard it is, let's help each other. Please tell me if you have anything. Today's good results do not indicate whether the future will be good or not. But we try our best. And today the problem of PM 2.5 dust has decreased 4-5 times in the same period. It is refreshing and will continue to be done. 'Understand that in Bangkok There's still a problem. From his meeting with His Majesty Hun Manat, Prime Minister of Cambodia. at Davos swiss confederation There has been discussion on this matter. And there have been requests,' the Prime Minister said. When asked about the case where the Chiang Mai Administrative Court asked the Prime Minister and the National Environmental Commission Make a plan to solve the dust problem within 90 days from the judgment. And regarding the Act (Act) on Management for Clean Air, B.E.... when will the matter be sent? The Prime Minister said that of course he must follow the orders of the Administrative Court. and will invite relev ant officials to talk To improve the plan as requested by the Administrative Court Of course you must follow. Source: Thai News Agency