Settha points out that a reliable agency must inspect the rice for 10 years.

Kanchanaburi,, "Seththa" points out that a reliable agency must check whether rice can be eaten for 10 years or not after "academics" said they found carcinogenic substances in the rice. Confirm that if it's not safe, it won't be sold. Specifies that it must be inspected before exporting. Thank you to the media for being concerned after tasting this lot of rice. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, mentioned the case where an academic brought rice from a rice pledging project that was up to 10 years old to be inspected and found carcinogenic substances, saying that before it is exported, it must be clearly inspected that What are the facts? As for the debate about this matter until it escalated and it was considered that 10-year-old rice was no longer edible, Mr. Settha said that we should not let it escalate. I want you to consider safety as the main thing. If it's not safe, we won't do it. This matter is already clear. When asked if there was opposition to eating rice, the Prime Minister asked where the opposition came from. If there are facts included Proof that it can be consumed should not be a problem. But if after testing there is a problem He believed that he would not sell it anyway. When asked why there was no investigation before making the news, the Prime Minister said that there would probably be an investigation. and think that it should be a reliable agency Because if it were a government agency, they wouldn't be trusted anymore. It should probably be an organization that can inspect. And it is highly reliable. Because we don't want there to be a flag that says Such rice must be safe. But our flag is that rice must be safe. But if it's not safe, we won't confirm it. When asked if I should have it checked by a reliable agency or not. In order to end the drama about whether the rice is edible or not, the Prime Minister said that he did not know the inspection process. But if you rush it, it won't be complete or complete, and you'll have problems again. Please calm down first. It is believed that Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce I am well aware of this. When asked that the government would be the one to investigate. Or let the private sector that won the bid go and inspect it. Mr. Settha said that this must be a comfort for all parties. We checked If he's uncomfortable He can check again. If every sector is to be good Must be involved It's not that I secretly did it. When asked if in the end the results came out Contains cancer-causing substances Do we have to use it for something else? The Prime Minister said, "Don't speculate just yet." Let the results come out first. Then think about what to do or not to do. Reporters also teased that Many people are worried Because of the Prime Minister Have you already eaten this lot of rice? The Prime Minister said, 'I have already eaten it.' The reporter then asked if something was wrong. The Prime Minister "smiled" and said "nevermind thank you for worrying Today, I'm still standing here and I've had a mission since morning. But it's better not to tell. That after taking it, it doesn't matter. They offered their concerns. It's better to let the relevant agencies prove it scientifically first.' When asked, according to the principles of rice, 3 years is considered to be rotten rice. But the rice in this warehouse lasts for 10 years. Is it reliable or not? The Prime Minister said that it is not true. It depends on how you store it. and many other methods If not kept well, sometimes it won't last 3 years. Let's just wait for scientific verification. that it is safe. Source: Thai News Agency