Soft Power Discussing principles and budgets Organize important activities

Government House, Prime Minister meets with Soft Power Committee. Follow up on driving operations Agree on the principles and budget. Organize important activities Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chaired the meeting of the National Soft Power Strategy Committee No. 1/2024, with the committee and representatives of relevant agencies attended the meeting The Prime Minister delivered the policy before the meeting, saying that this meeting is to follow up on the implementation of Thailand's soft power strategy in various areas, which in the initial phase Thailand has given importance to the soft power industry, targeting 11 fields. Today, we consider the plans of important projects that will drive Thailand in fiscal year 2024 and fiscal year 2025. They are considered important to Push for Thai softpower to become more internationally known. And ask everyone to help express their opinions fully. So that the government will use it to speed up operations to produce concrete results. T he meeting jointly considered various issues. Ready to agree on important matters as follows: 1. Approve project proposals for the soft power industry, targets for all 11 branches, consisting of festival branch, tourism branch, food branch, art branch, design branch, sports branch, music branch, book branch, film branch, drama and series. fashion branch and gaming branch, assigned to the budget office Consider the financial limit and discuss with relevant agencies according to the next steps. 2. Approve the budget framework for supporting entrepreneurs to participate in 3 foreign film festivals in the amount of 3,000,000 baht, assigned by the Ministry of Culture. Submit budget requests to the Budget Office for consideration. and assigned the Budget Office to consider budget allocation 3. Agreed on the principles of the 'Maha Songkran World Water Festival, Yen Thua La, Maha Songkran 2024' event, with the Prime Minister giving suggestions on traveling to attend the said event. It is expected that there will b e a great event throughout the country. There must be preparation in terms of cars, planes, and accommodations to accommodate tourists. By having the working group Go discuss with the Ministry of Transport. which during the last New Year's festival There was good management of the trip. At the same time, he gave opinions on the budget, which had been set in large amounts. Please consider the value. Considering the benefits that will be given is important. 4. Agree to consider having the office drive national reform. national strategy and creating unity and reconciliation (Office of the Narcotics Control Board) is the main agency in driving the soft power development strategy. Its duty is to operate, integrate, and drive agencies involved in education. Analyze and create a soft power development plan. Budget allocation Carrying out various projects/activities with efficiency and effectiveness Reduce duplication Follow up and expedite the process of reviewing, improving, amending, repealing and creating laws a nd regulations related to the development of 11 soft power industries of government agencies and government agencies. In order to comply with the resolutions of the committee and various related sub-committees. and coordinate and create cooperation between government agencies Government agencies, the private sector, and civil society in developing soft power, coordinating and integrating the dissemination of information on 11 soft power industries, as well as disseminating progress and results of operations regarding with the development of the country's soft power and 5. Approve the appointment of the Director of the Budget Office. and the Secretary-General of the Council of State is a member and director of the Office for National Reform, Strategy and the Creation of Unity and Reconciliation. is a committee member and assistant secretary In the National Soft Power Strategy Committee Appointed Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior and Director of the Digital Government Development Agency (Public O rganization) is a director and director of the National Reform Steering Office. national strategy and creating unity and reconciliation Is a committee member and joint secretary of the National Soft Power Development Committee. Source: Thai News Agency