“Somchai” reveals information about applicants Senator – Hua Selection

Parliament "Senator Somchai" warns the Election Commission that he risks going to jail if he doesn't check the selection of senators. Reveals that he has information about bringing in applicants, selecting and hiring people to apply. It is recommended to extend the timeline for announcing results by 1-2 months, hoping to ensure transparency. Mr. Somchai Sawangkarn, member of the Senate (Senator), spoke about the process of selecting among the Senators. Recently, the number of applicants for selection in each group was less than the Election Commission (EC)'s target of 100,000 people. The selection of senators according to the spirit of the constitution is to have representatives from 20 professional groups. But now it is found that there are some political groups that are campaigning for people to apply to be elected (voters) instead of wanting to be senators, which is clearly against the spirit of the constitution. Meanwhile, the regulations of Election Commission in selecting There were still problems and the Election Commission prepared to appeal to the Administrative Court. which he considers such cases to be dangerous and will cause selection problems. Mr. Somchai also said that he saw that the Election Commission secretary tried to say in an interview that the selection would follow the timeline. It is considered that if the Election Commission tries to announce approval first This can be dishonest and dangerous. Because he got the information both from election inspectors and people in the area We know that there is a corruption process and a selection scam. And it was found that people were hired to apply for 2,000 - 10,000 baht per person, for example in some areas they hired 5,000 baht, an application fee of 2,500 baht, 2,000 baht for themselves and 500 baht for their children, including transporting people to apply. Without knowing what he was applying to do And you'll know what to do when the time comes. 'I want the Election Commission to examine it carefully. Because if they rush to announce and e mphasize that they will follow the timeline, the Election Commission secretary and the Election Commission may be prosecuted like the previous Election Commission members who were imprisoned for 4 years. Therefore, when the Election Commission has a duty to do duty Don't let the wrong choice be made. There is clear evidence. It's not already certified. Then pick it up later like choosing MPs. On May 14, when it was found that no action could be taken, I thought that the Election Commission would investigate carefully and be transparent before making an announcement. And it would be better to take it 1-2 months later than the scheduled calendar. In order to get the right senator and not cause any problems,' Mr. Somchai said. Mr. Somchai also said that he had also received information that an Election Commission official had told Senate candidates to change groups. Because it was found that there were many applicants among farmers. So I was told to change to another group. This shows that there is a process th at seems to influence the selection. That may become a problem in the future and raise the question of why there is a senator. The acquisition of a senator may cause a scandal that is worse than what was previously accused. Senator recruiting again. Source: Thai News Agency