“Somsak” points out that the situation regarding teenage pregnancy has improved.

Ministry of Public Health, "Somsak" points out that the problem of teenage pregnancy has improved. Move forward with promoting childbearing for mothers aged 20 years and over after finding that the birth rate has decreased from 1 million to 500,000 people, ordering the establishment of a sub-committee to amend the law. Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister Chaired the meeting of the Committee to Prevent and Solve the Problem of Adolescent Pregnancy, with Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health, Mr. Kittikorn Lohsunthorn, Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Mr. Wichai Chaiyamongkol, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Surachart. Thienthong, Secretary to the Minister of Public Health and committee Attend the meeting at the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health Mr. Somsak revealed that the meeting had reported on the situation of teenage pregnancy, which found that the rate of births among teenagers There is a continuous downward tren d, with the age range 10-14 years decreasing from 0.9 per 1,000 population in 2021 to 0.8 per 1,000 population in 2022, while the age range 15-19 years is also continuing to decrease from 24.4 per 1,000. The population in 2021 will remain at 21 per 1,000 population in 2022, which is considered to be in line with the target according to the prevention action plan. and solve the national problem of teenage pregnancy. 'The meeting considered the implementation of the Act on Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problems 2016 to support the national agenda. Issues promoting quality childbearing which currently Thailand There has been a sharp drop in the number of newborns being born. From more than 1 million people per year to less than 500,000 people, causing the country's total fertility rate to continuously decline from 6.29 in 1970 to only 1.08 today if new births are allowed to continue decreasing. It is predicted that in the next 60 years the population of Thailand will be reduced by half, leavin g only 33 million people, and the working age will decrease from 46 million to only 14 million people, which will have a huge impact on the economic condition. and the stability of the country in the future,' Mr. Somsak said. Mr. Somsak said that the meeting resolved to amend the law. To promote childbearing for people aged 20 years and over, including helping teenagers who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Because according to the Department of Health, more than 80-90% of teenagers who have an unplanned pregnancy want to terminate the pregnancy. So it was offered to help. To help promote quality births And it can also help reduce the problem of fewer newborns. Therefore, a subcommittee has been set up to consider this matter urgently. To increase their role in promoting childbearing in Act to suit the current situation. After the meeting, Mr. Somsak gave an additional interview that Discussed the quality problems of new born children. There is a low percentage, which currently has an average of 1.08, but we want to promote it to 2.1, that is, one mother needs 2.1 children. The meeting also discussed solving the problem of teenage pregnancy. who are under 19 years of age as well, which the situation is considered to be better But we still have to move forward. Relevant agencies such as NHSO are helping to solve the problem by distributing free condoms. free birth control pills in a government hospital and participating pharmacies As for promoting childbearing for those aged 20 years and over, the NHSO will help promote this by injecting sperm into the uterus. The meeting therefore resolved to establish a sub-committee. To amend the law to solve all problems. Source: Thai News Agency