Son of a famous politician Surrender in high society girl’s pornographic case

Bangkok, Son of a famous politician. Surrendered himself to investigators at Prawet Police Station in an assault case. Ready to deny all charges Before being taken into custody, the court granted bail in the amount of 200,000 baht. Mr. Noppawee, 27 years old, son of Mr. Apichai. Executive committee member of the Phalang Pracharath Party With a lawyer Travel to meet Investigative officer at Prawet Police Station to receive the allegation. In a case of physical harm Detain and commit indecent acts After the young woman who was injured filed a report on February 8th. Pol. Maj. Gen. Thananthorn Rattana Sittipak, Commander of the 4th Precinct, Pol. Col. Nipapon Sukniyom, Deputy Commander of the 4th Precinct, Pol. Lt. Col. Peerawat Sukrom, Deputy Superintendent (Investigation) of the School .Prawet Police Station Superintendent Interviewed Mr. Noppawee, age 27, after coming to surrender on charges of "assaulting another person, confinement and commit an indecent act by using violent force.' On February 4, at 3: 00 a.m., the victim happened to meet Mr. Napawee. At a famous entertainment venue in the Thonglor area Then Mr. Napawee invited to sit at the table together Persuade and force to drink alcohol and stole the victim's mobile phone After that, he said that he would take the victim to another shop to see his girlfriend. Let's ride together. If you don't go along, the phone won't be returned. The victim agreed to take the car with him, but Mr. Noppawee took him to the house where the crime occurred, saying he would stop by to get things first. While arriving at the house where the incident occurred It appeared that the victim was vomiting. Mr. Napawee had the victim go into the house to wash his face. Then Mr. Napawee He committed an indecent act against the victim by using violent force without the victim's consent. When the victim tried to escape The accused used force to restrain and drag the victim to prevent him from returning home, and Mr. Noppawee used force to pull the victim and take him into the house w here the crime occurred. until the victim is physically and mentally harmed When able to leave the said place The victim then tried to run away. Suddenly, a good citizen riding a motorcycle passed by and saw the incident. The victim then asked to use the motorcycle to leave the scene of the incident. Initially, the accused denied all the charges. and request the court The investigating officer then took him to request a warrant (imprisonment) for detention at the Phra Khanong Criminal Court. At Phra Khanong Criminal Court Investigator, Prawet Police Station Take Mr. Napawee The accused was charged with committing an indecent act against a person over fifteen years of age by threatening him in any way. by using violent force where that person is in a state of being unable to resist or by causing that person to mistake himself for another person Detain or imprison others or act in any way that deprives others of their bodily freedom. and physically harming another person until causing physical or mental harm to that other person Came to submit a request for permission to be detained for the first time for 12 days. The court considered and allowed the detention. The accused later applied for temporary release. The court orders permission. In the amount of cash insurance of 200,000 baht Later, Mr. Apichai, executive director of the Phalang Pracharat Party, came out to state that the story about his son's accusations being reported was not true. With every evidence Both before and after the incident video Do you know which group it is? And what is your intention? These are processes. who wants to blackmail discredit Now I'm having my lawyer handle the legal action. Confirmed that there was no physical harm done as claimed or the phone was seized. If your child doesn't do well, he won't say anything. But if you are harassed like this, it will be done according to the law. He is not a big politician. If it's wrong, it's wrong and it's over. Imprisoned for not helping But what these people do and come out to say It is well planned. And it's not a fact. Ready to emphasize that There will be no mediation. must be taught to be afraid So that you won't hurt other people. It's not like he thought he had the money to do it. Source: Thai News Agency