Speeding up the hunt for the culprit who slit the throat of the owner of a Japanese restaurant.

Khon Kaen, Police are offering a reward of 10,000 baht for those who report information to apprehend the culprit. Using a knife to cut the throat of a Japanese restaurant owner, he was injured. while the CCTV Found after the incident The culprit fled into Khon Kaen city. CCTV images Mittraphap Road area Soi Adulyaram entrance The recorded date and time of the incident is March 14 at 10:19 p.m. Mr. Wattanasak, age 61, owner of a Japanese restaurant. riding a motorcycle Follow the Mittraphap Road route. But when riding to the scene of the accident The male partner was wearing a black shirt and black pants, riding a motorcycle following. Chased and kicked Mr. Wattanasak's car until it fell. Before the criminal came down and used a knife to attack. Before Mr. Wattanasak will fall next to a black car Then the assailant used a knife to stab and slit his throat. Mr. Wattanasak supported his body and fought hard and ran away to his death by running back towards the Mittraphap Lap Koi shop. to ask for help from peop le in that area Make the villain see his bad posture So he walked back and rode his motorcycle to escape. On the side Pol.Col. Yosawat Kaew Sueb Thannit The superintendent of Khon Kaen Provincial Police Station revealed that after the incident, police investigators went to the area to scavenge CCTV cameras. It was found that the culprit was riding a motorcycle and fled towards the entrance of the triangle intersection. Head towards the triangle intersection. at this point the camera It is approximately 1 kilometer from the scene of the incident. At the triangular intersection, images of the suspect can still be recorded. Riding a motorcycle into Khon Kaen city When reaching the triangle intersection He turned left onto Pracha Samoson Road to escape, but at this time we still don't know who he is and we still don't know the license plate number of the motorcycle. Because the license plate was not attached. which is in the process of accelerating the arrest and prosecution As for the cause, it is assumed that the two parties had an argument. Due to surrounding witnesses Giving information that the two people could be heard cursing each other along the way. Until the scene However, there must be an interrogation of the injured person first. As for Mr. Wattanasak's condition It's safe now. But doctors still need to monitor them closely. Most recently, Muang Khon Kaen Police Station Announcing a reward of 10,000 baht for the arrest of the perpetrator. If people find any clues from the recorded CCTV footage, please report it to Muang Khon Kaen Police Station. Telephone number 043-221162 or at the Muang Khon Kaen Police Station 081-050-5757 or at number 191 . Source: Thai News Agency