Speeding up to solve the case of a 23-year-old man who died mysteriously in the hut.

Buriram, May 28 – Police rush to solve the case of a 23-year-old man who died mysteriously. In a hut in the middle of a cassava plantation, Chamri District, Buriram Province, after encountering many suspicious things Especially the swollen bulge on the head. Family believes son was kidnapped and killed Not a fainting death

Progress in the case of Mrs. Kanchana, 45, a resident of Cho Phaka Subdistrict, Chamni District, Buriram Province, requesting justice in the case of Mr. Weerayut or Man, 23, whose son died mysteriously on March 28. His son's friend told him that his son fainted in a hut in the middle of a cassava plantation. Between Ban Nong Ta Pleng - Nong Bua Luang, Chong Phaka Subdistrict, Chamni District, on the morning of March 27th, then call 1669 to inform the car to come and take him to the hospital. And died on March 28, the doctor concluded that the cause of death was a head injury. This is in line with what relatives saw in the corpse with swollen marks on the head. redness on the neck Therefore believes that the son may be tricked into going out to find the culprit. before being killed Because there is a chat message on Facebook making an appointment for Mr. Man to meet at night. before being found unconscious in the hut

Most recently, today (May 28), investigators went to the area to examine more evidence around the cottage where the deceased friend was thoroughly ready to bring Mr. Ole. and ambulance personnel at the hospital who came to pick up Mr. Man in the cabin. to point at the hut And further interrogated the relevant person that Mr. Man died from fainting. or was made to die

While the deceased mother and relatives went to burn incense next to the hut where the son was unconscious. in order to ask for the soul of the child to inspire the case to progress and if actually killed, ask for the perpetrator as soon as possible The mother of the deceased said from the autopsy results. mobile chat messages soiled baby clothes led to believe that the child was lured out to find and kill So I want the authorities to speed up the case to make it clear. who last night saw his son say that he was attacked by someone Someone ordered them to kill and bring the body to the hut. If the son was actually beaten to death, he would like the police to bring the person who did it to prosecution according to the law.

Mr. Ole, a friend who met Mr. Mannon unconscious in the cabin, gave information that on the morning of March 27, 2023, he rode a motorcycle to see the rice fields. Then accidentally saw Mr. Man lying unconscious in the cabin, so he informed 1669 to come and take him to the hospital. At that time Mr. Man was unconscious. so didn't ask anything When the officer came to pick up Mr. Man He rode a motorcycle to tell Nai Man's mother. Confirmed that he definitely did not hurt Mr. Man. Previously, the police called him for examination 3-4 times and gave the same information. Confirm that they are innocent.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency