Spokesman integration to combat fake news

Government Spokesman Meeting the Ministry Spokesperson Committee Reiterate the framework of public relations principles. Give importance to the management of information issues. work integration anti fake news for the benefit of the people

Anucha Burapachaisri, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office Chaired the 1/2023 meeting of the Ministry Spokesperson Committee, with the Ministry Spokesperson Representatives and representatives from 20 ministries and agencies Attended the meeting, where Mr. Anucha informed the meeting about the National Public Relations Action Plan (2023-2027), which the Cabinet had approved on March 7, 2023 to be used as the main framework for public relations and mass communication of the country To define important communication matters that are in line with current situations accurately and precisely, as well as to use in the management of information issues and against fake news (Fake News), which can be downloaded from the Public Relations Department's website. as well as informing the meeting about the government's performance in the 4th year (July 25 - December 31, 2022), which also published the government's performance report in the form of an e-book.

“The issue that the Prime Minister has always focused on is information operations against fake news (Fake News), in which every ministry has opened an anti-fake news center. or create a channel within the ministry to verify information published on social media and the Internet system which caused a wide impact on the public And create awareness of accurate and fast information if there is an issue that overlaps with many agencies, each ministry, agency can come out to clarify to prevent confusion And to achieve accuracy and speed while the government will help to clarify and publicize in another way to integrate work Increase the effectiveness of government public relations to be consistent. Keep up with the situation," said a spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office.

Mr. Anucha said that he would like to thank all agencies for working together to publicize the government's operations quickly and accurately. to be the same standards and guidelines With today's release of news is possible in many channels. Therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the working style. Presenting to keep up with changes In particular, clarification and correction of false news and distorted news must be taken immediately. All of which will benefit the people. Get to know news that is comprehensive, correct, and useful, effectively raising the level of public awareness

Source: Thai News Agency