‘Srisuwan’ set up a patriotic organization to love the country

Thai News Agency, June 11 – 'Srisuwan' set up a patriotic organization to love the country instead of the revoked association Invite people to join the ideology of patriotism and love of the country

Mr. Srisuwan Janya revealed the case of inviting people with the same ideology. Become a member of a patriotic organization love the land Since the Association for the Protection of the Thai Constitution was ordered by the Director-General of the Department of Provincial Administration to revoke its establishment, according to the law, an appeal must be filed within 15 days and waiting for an order whether the Director-General of the Department of Provincial Administration will dismiss the petition or stand the original order. If the petition is raised, everything is over. But if you stand by the original order He had to go to the administrative court within 90 days and would have to fight the case for another 3-10 years, it took a lot of time. But because there are still issues to check politicians, which have problems almost every day. therefore establishing an organization Love the country, love the land. Invite people with the same ideology to drive and verify that politicians are in accordance with the law. Or is there corruption or not? by starting to apply from now on This morning, there were already many candidates from Chonburi province to join the organization. who has the same ideology in protecting the nation protect the land Objection to the amendment or cancellation of the Por. 112 or any person who interferes with all forms of insulting institutions is ready to come out and oppose it. and monitoring and detecting politicians, civil servants, political parties, state enterprise employees who violate the constitution violation of the law or corruption will continue to investigate intensively by accepting applications without deadlines and unlimited number

Mr. Srisuran said that being a patriotic organization loves the country. It is a constitutional organization. of the Kingdom of Thailand 2017 has already been recognized and protected. The constitution clearly states that people or individuals have the right to freedom to form an organization in the form of an association, union, confederation or any other group in driving activities. According to the objectives of the organization can be done already. Therefore, it is not necessary to register with the Ministry of the Interior or any ministry that may have specific regulations for that agency. We have a clear purpose Who would have thought that dividing sides or not is not important? In politics, there is still a government side, an opposition side, and the people already have the idea of moving to check according to the constitution. There is no need to point out that it creates social conflict. This organization examines politicians, political parties, civil servants and state enterprise employees covering all areas. and to monitor elections at all levels to see if there is any corruption or not according to the law including examining the use of state power in every form whether it complies with every section of the Constitution or not and representing leading cases to the Administrative Court if people are not treated fairly Damage from the use of state power or actions that are not in accordance with the constitution

for people with the same ideology To join as a member of the Patriotic Organization, Love the Land will not have to pay any application fee. Just write a letter indicating your intention, specifying your name, surname, address, telephone number clearly, take a copy of your ID card, sign and certify the true copy, and send it to the PO Box 9 Lam Luk Ka, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province to join in protecting the nation. protect the land .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency