Sterilization of macaques, Bang Khun Thian District

Veterinarians along with officials from the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Visited the area to sterilize macaques Living in the area of ??Ban Eua Athon, Samae Dam, Bang Khun Thian District To control the population of macaques with a greatly increased number until causing distress to the villagers who live in that area In the past, Bangkok has solved the monkey problem. Divided into phase 1, create a community, create participation with the community to express opinions and solutions. Create a knowledge guide about monkeys. To create an initial understanding of monkey behavior and receive food support (vegetables and fruits) from entrepreneurs and markets in the area By having district officials deliver food to areas where there are monkeys. To change the behavior of monkeys Come pick up food at one point. To reduce disturbance to houses in the community It also provides a zone for feeding. Prevent road hazards that may occur to monkeys. Creating various warning signs and org anizing garbage disposal points in the community. Ready to give advice on changing the style of trash cans. and how to dispose of garbage to prevent searching for food scraps For Phase 2, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, together with the Bang Khun Thian District Office, will conduct sterilization, health checks, and random smallpox testing of monkeys. and make history of macaques in the area Using the budget of the National Park Department The monkeys have been sterilized. There will be a black tattoo. And there is a number marked on the monkey's body. Make a registration history before being released into their natural habitats Monkey's stuff is the same as before. Source: Thai News Agency